Today I greet you with all of the promise, hope and expectation that the start of this New Year affords. A new chapter is being written, a new scene is unfolding, and a new day is dawning. It is my hope that each of us will realize a measure of prosperity in our lives, and that all of us will endeavor to make a contribution, however small, to the development of this our great city – West Park.
The New Year provides a time of reflection. It is a time when we reflect on our experiences, lessons and challenges in the year that has passed, and look forward to the opportunities of the year ahead.
The New Year is also a time when we make resolutions and dare to dream. I encourage all of you to dream big and I trust that all aspirations, dreams and resolutions will be fully realized in the year ahead.
There is no greater honor for me than to serve you in our great city of West Park. These past years have been stellar. We have made great strides and accomplished many great things together. We are a growing and evolving community with a proud tradition of excellence that has been my distinct honor and privilege to serve, uphold, and represent.
Thank you for your continued support and faith in me. It is a team effort. Without your support, patience, and sacrifice, myself and my colleagues on the Commission would not be able to serve our community in the capacity we do, so on behalf of all of us here, we thank you.
Our business community is an essential part of our West Park way of life. A thriving business community translates into a thriving local economy. We thank our local businesses for their continued generous support, and we ask every resident to continue to support our local businesses.
Public safety is our number one priority. For that we are thankful for all the wonderful things that Broward Sheriff Office Police and Fire do to keep us safe.
There are City boards and community volunteers that deal with many different facets of West Park. These residents spend long hours performing their respective duties and are the backbone of our community. We are all extremely fortunate for their service.
We are thankful for our Veterans. For they should continually be honored for their service to our country, city and supported in every way possible.
We are thankful for our various school leadership that take on the task of educating our future generation and our faith-based community who provide a spiritual covering for us.
I would be remiss if I did not thank our City staff who take care of the day-to-day operations. They certainly are hardworking, knowledgeable, and always working for the sole purpose of serving our residents.
Looking ahead to 2020, can you believe we will celebrate our 15th year as a city!
Let us continue to unite and work together as a team, share knowledge, empower each other and build a dynamic workforce that is responsive to the diverse needs of our people. Together, we are at our best!
Let us continue to work harder in making West Park a liveable, peaceful and a friendlier model city for our residents and visitors. Let us recommit our wisdom, expertise and enthusiasm and make 2020 better than 2019. Together, we are at our best!
Let us continue to confront our challenges together in fraternity and in a spirit of national accord. I am a true believer in the strength and resilience of our people. Within us exists the capacity for great accomplishment and creativity. May we never allow external forces or circumstances to determine the degree of our success. May we agree to disagree and respect each other’s opinion. May we support and not tear down. May our accomplishments, relationships and actions be an inspiration to all in the year ahead.
Together, we are at our best!
For we know that great communities are built and maintained on hometown pride and with a spirit that fosters volunteerism and generates tremendous community contributions.
When people feel connected to something good, they engage in it, invest in it, believe in it, and thrive in it, doing all they can to nurture it, contribute to it, protect it, and encourage its growth. That is what we have built and are working to continue to build here together in West Park, and with your support, we can continue to build a vibrant, safe, welcoming, and affordable community together. Together, we will keep the fabric of the entire city strong and safe where good jobs can grow, businesses can prosper, talent can blossom, children can play, seniors can enjoy life and all families can thrive. Together, we are at our best!
Together we are at our strongest. Together we are at our best. Great people make a great community, and ours is pretty incredible!
I take this sacred opportunity therefore, to wish you and your families a healthy and happy 2020. May God’s grace and mercy continue to be upon us, and may we never forget that together we are at our best! We are #OneWestPark.
Remember to contact me at City Hall with your ideas, suggestions or concerns. I represent you and appreciate your input into the continued success of our beloved city. I can be reached at (954) 329-8990 or via email at: