The arrival of each New Year brings thoughts of optimism, hope, and the promise of new and exciting initiatives for our community. As we begin 2012, I pray that you have a safe and prosperous New Year. I want to extend best wishes to the citizens of West Park for 2012. The past year has been eventful in West Park. In a time when the country is experiencing times of recession, as individuals, we may have had to adapt to changing circumstance, but as a City we appear so far to have weathered the worst of the storm. There is so much that is good about those who live in the West Park city limits. On my many visits throughout the City, I have become acutely aware of the debt we all owe to certain members of our city who give their time so freely to help others. They form an ‘unsung’ network of heroes, who support the young, the old, the vulnerable, the infirm and the needy.
Once again, we start a New Year facing great economic challenges. And yet West Park remains vibrant and robust. Even while many people and businesses in our city and state have been deeply impacted by a struggling economy, we witnessed an unyielding determination, and unfettered resilience, that has put our community on a slow, but steady course toward better and brighter days. As manifested in the policies and actions of our City Commission, the course we are on has been determined by the needs of the people of West Park. As a Commission we seek to be responsive. And we strive to ensure that our course of action reflects the values and vision we share as a community. This year the people of West Park have chosen Commissioners Sharon Fyffe, Rita Mack and I to serve for the next five years and it is a privilege and an honor to serve you for yet another term.
As we become more transparent in our deliberations, more open to differing views, not through controversy, but through consensus, I believe that we can all move towards the betterment of our community, the community we all desire to have. That is the course we are on. As always, the strength and vitality of West Park comes from the people who serve it. Time and again, over the past year, the City Staff and volunteers put forth an extraordinary effort in their dedication to our city. This past year, the dedication of City staff and volunteers was abundantly illustrated in the number of community events that were held and the unwavering support they gave. As you will note in our last newspaper we celebrated many accomplishments last year. Beyond these specific accomplishments, we should recognize that there is so much hard work, dedication and success that often go unnoticed. On a daily basis our employees and volunteers put forth an amazing effort to make West Park safe, prosperous, and a great place to live, work and run a business. I personally want our City Manager, Staff, the police and fire departments of BSO, and every volunteer to know that you are appreciated. Because of your collective efforts, West Park is, today, poised to realize its full potential as a thriving community. Finally, in the months ahead, we’re going to continue our efforts to strengthen our local economy.
Today, in West Park, there is already some momentum building in our commercial and retail zones as we seek to attract more businesses into our area. A new business is under construction even now and will soon be open. Located between your City Hall and Home Depot will be the new DEAL$ Store AND WE WELCOME THEM TO OUR COMMUNITY. We also have some existing stores that are investing in their infrastructure and facilities. All and all, this year promises to include announcements of significant advancements in our City. While the national economy continues to struggle, West Park is turning the corner, and the success we have experienced so far is the result of a collective effort of so many people who care deeply about our City. From the members of your Commission, who have dedicated themselves to sound public policy, to the hard working men and women who deliver outstanding municipal services by continually doing more with less; and from the scores of dedicated volunteers that serve on important City committees, to people who serve in community organizations or simply participate in an informed public discussion and vote on election day; the quality of our life is a reflection of the commitment of you all. I believe that our best days lie ahead.
I ask each of you to join with me and members of the Commission, to make West Park even better than it is today. Best wishes for a safe, happy and productive 2012 and as always, it is an honor and a privilege to serve as your Mayor.
Please do not hesitate to contact me directly at 954.889.4153 with any questions you may have.