Summer is almost over. School will be starting soon. Where did the summer go? I hope you and your family are having a great end to summer and that you are eager and your children are ready to begin another successful school year.
The Commission and Staff of the City of West Park look forward to welcoming your children back to school.
We would like to encourage parents to attend the orientation or back-to-school night scheduled at your child’s school. Preparing for a new school year can be a little unnerving for parents and students, so we encourage parents to ease the transition from summer break to school by meeting with your child’s teacher and learning what he/she has planned for this year. We want to make certain that every student is able to achieve his or her potential to the fullest, but many things need to be in place to help them achieve this goal. One of those things is your assistance.
We firmly believe the education of children in the City of West Park is a shared responsibility between us, the schools, parents and students. Therefore, stayed tuned throughout the year your West Park newspaper will provide any pertinent information provided by schools. As we work collaboratively to assure that each child in the City of West Park receives the best education possible, we need your cooperation with safety. I would like to encourage you to slow down around school zones in the City of West Park.
For many adults, whether we have children or not, this time of year can be quite hectic. Most people are well and truly back to work and the relatively quiet traffic period of the school holidays is a distant memory. When we’re in a hurry to beat the traffic or if we’re running late for work, it can be easy to forget to slow down around schools. School speed zones are significantly reduced because during their hours of operation, they are dangerous places for children, pedestrians and motorists.
Many people I talk with know of a tragedy or near-disaster involving cars and kids around schools. Because of this, many realize safety around schools is too important to compromise. I urge all motorists to be conscious of their responsibility to slow down when driving through school zones, and to only park or drop-off of their children in areas where it is permitted.
By working together, we can help make our schools safer for everybody. Let us put the care and well-being of our West Park community’s children at the forefront of our thoughts as we commute each day as well as ensure that each child in the City of West Park receives the best education possible. Again, I truly hope everyone had a restful summer as we look forward to a successful 2017-18 school year!
Remember to contact me at City Hall with your educational ideas, suggestions or concerns. I represent you and appreciate your input into the continued success of our beloved city. I can be reached at (954) 329-8660 or via email at: