You must own your future!

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Congratulations to the Class of 2024! I salute the graduates of West Park as they close out their high school and college years and embark on new journeys. As your mayor, I am overly proud of the hard work and dedication you all have exhibited throughout your years. You all have been resilient. Your diploma, degree, or certification completion proves that “West Park ” produces the greatest! Your graduation marks a huge step in your future, and I can’t wait to see the great things you will do in our community and the world.

Heading off on the next journey is your choice and yours to make your own. It is about you – whether you head to college, university, grad school, gap year, or whatever else is in your plan. I am sure you have often been asked what your future goals are. I bet you have many. The question I ask is, “What is your plan?” Having goals is great, but what is the plan to achieve them?

It doesn’t matter if it is family life, where you want to live, the job you pursue, or even the car you want to drive. What does your plan look like, and does it fit you to make your goal a reality? Are you willing to give it 100%, sacrifice, and go above and beyond? Because that is what it takes.

Some say there are two types of people in this world, those who see a mountain to climb and find the challenge to be too much for them to overcome, and those who see the mountain, take it head-on, and attack the challenge. I believe there is a third type – those who lead others to get over the mountain. Sometimes those around you need support to move forward. Sometimes that person might just be you. So don’t be afraid to ask for assistance. Know your strengths and weaknesses.

You will face many challenges in your life. I certainly have. But do not let challenges be obstacles you can’t overcome.

Instead, let them be an opportunity to learn and grow. Failure happens only when you get knocked down and don’t get back up. Learn from your weaknesses and strengths. They help us to rise higher and become better human beings.

You all have been given a wonderful gift of education! You have been taught to learn, think for yourself, and grow into your own uniqueness. As you embark on your next stage in life, please remember that your city fully supports you and wishes you all nothing but continued success in all your future endeavors.

Lastly, expect obstacles, and do not be surprised when they come around. Let them strengthen you in a way that would make your family, friends and West Park proud!

The future is yours to own – with hard work, diligence, and persistence.  Continue to aim high, stay focused, and help others along the way!

 Remember to contact me at City Hall with your ideas, suggestions or concerns.  I represent you and appreciate your input into the continued success of our beloved city.  I can be reached at (954) 329-8990 or via email at:

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