Youth Council Activities

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The City’s Parks and Recreation Youth Programs is proud to introduce its 2022-2023
Youth Council members. Our members are of strong character and fully embody the traits of leadership, communication, and empathy needed in society today. The goal of the council is to serve as a voice for teens in the community, as well as identifying and advocating the needs of our youth through community service projects and related events.

The group is composed of high school students from the local communities and have many ongoing projects. For example, after the recent global pandemic, the academic performance gap of many or our kids widened. The Youth Council Members made the decision to get involved in trying to mend that gap by volunteering their time to assist younger students with their assignments, challenging courses, and/or academic work. They also assist with managing our “in-housed” library at Mary Saunders Park by donating and collecting books to make sure that there are always enough books for the children in our program and our community to enjoy.

Furthermore, this group is also actively participating in activities that influence other youth
to live healthy and activate lifestyles to include physical activities such as playing football, soccer, basketball, and tennis with elementary aged children. In addition to participating in different City wide events such as free fresh food distributions, the Annual Thanksgiving turkey distribution, and Holiday Toy Giveaway, the Youth Council Members are currently collecting hygiene products to donate to other youth in need.

Through their efforts and collaboration with other youth councils countywide, they hope to
encourage our local residents to stay involved with our community. The members hope to continue to enacting good changes and to be examples to other youths on how they may participate in youth council creativeness or other leadership projects that have positive influence on our local leaders and residents.

If you or anyone you know is interested in joining this remarkable group of high
school students, please email for more information at: or call (954) 985-1990.

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