Key to Happiness

One of the best gifts you will ever receive from me is something I think is important for you to have. It is a key. Not any old key but a special key. It is the key to happiness. It will unlock a treasure chest filled with the jewels of life-changing techniques you can use to be happy.

The first technique requires you to change the way you think about something. Perhaps, you are forced to do something that you do not want to do. Instead of being angry and upset look at things a little differently. Reframe it in your mind so you find a positive, if unintended outcome. This will change the whole tenor of your feelings and you will feel better.

Another technique requires you to stop expecting people to be the way that you think they should be. You will always be disappointed. Accept them the way they are. They are allowed to be however they choose, regardless of your wishes, disapproval or concerns.

Another technique requires you to stop trying to get others to change their behavior. It is a waste of time and only leads to frustration, hurt feelings and anger at the other person. If you catch yourself saying something like, “I’ve asked you a million times to__.” Realize that like many people you are spending your life trying to get others to change. You have to be the one who changes and creates the solution to whatever is annoying you. Find a way around it and a way to control the situation to your satisfaction.

Think of how much time and hurt feelings are wasted on trying to get others to make you happy. You need to realize that you are not dependent on others to make you happy. You can make yourself happy. In fact, it is your responsibility to make yourself happy. If you are happy other good things will follow. Happiness is a magnet that attracts other happy things to you.

Patricia Frankis a Licensed Psychotherapist. She can be reached at 305-788-4864,

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