Gables Bike Day to be Held October 20th

20121028_gablesbikedays_0077On Sunday, October 20th Gables Bike Day will take place on Miracle Mile and throughout downtown Coral Gables. The homegrown Gables Bike Day continues to evolve and expand, thanks to a dedicated group of advocates, as well as a community whose enthusiasm for all things cycling is unwavering.  Gables Bike Day is organized by non-profit Bike Walk Coral Gables, and presented by the Downtown Coral Gables and Miracle Mile BID.

This year, organizers looked at ways to increase engagement from college students and extend the event’s boundaries even further. Both goals have been actualized via a collaboration with the University of Miami’s UBike program as well as two new bike routes that connect the UM campus and Downtown Miami to Miracle Mile (the heart of Gables Bike Day).

It is a truly inclusive event for the community, which while fun, also makes a serious statement about cycling and safety.  “Gables Bike Day helps call attention to cycling in the Gables and the benefits of having an area to do it in. The reason we do the event is to keep the needs of cyclists in the forefront, with a goal to make our streets safe for the many residents and students that ride in the city,” said Chairman of Bike Walk Coral Gables, Robert Ruano.

To that end, Gables-based companies that are exemplary in “bike friendliness,” are encouraged to participate in the inaugural Bike-Friendly Business Awards, where businesses that support and encourage cycling and bike culture will be recognized.

Civic leaders, transit activists and high profile individuals also form part of this year’s festivities.  Former Mayor Don Slesnick will be leading one of the several guided-tours programmed for the day, and Coral Gables Mayor Jim Cason is expected to give opening remarks.

There are many new and improved  activities and events for people of all ages some of which include: a guided bike tour starting at noon (for a low-cost fee of $10 per person), the Antique Bike Show, live music from Nil Lara, Bob Bonnen and Oriente, a scavenger hunt, bounce houses and arts & crafts for kids.

For more information on Gables Bike Day, please visit:

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