It’s one of those rare and special moments. You’re sitting with your mother and she’s telling a glorious tale from her childhood. And despite the fact that the story is decades old, she recounts every vivid detail like it was yesterday. It’s a good day.
Or so it would seem. As the conversation shifts to more recent memories, she struggles to remember the names of your kids, and your brother’s name,too. After a short while, she doesn’t even remember who you are and suddenly she wants to be alone. The moment is lost – quite literally.
Rezilir Health is located at 1930 Harrison St., Suite 404, Hollywood, FL 33020. For immediate information, call 786-780-1188 or visit
For many people, this is an everyday occurrence when dealing with a loved one suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, or other forms of severe cognitive decline. As the disease progresses, those moments of lucidity become rarer, until eventually the person in front of you is only “there” physically. What’s surprising is, this scenario is not limited to just white-haired octogenarians in the twilight of their lives. That’s because, even middle-aged adults are susceptible to developing Alzheimer’s. Moreover, research is now suggesting that environmental factors such as mold from water-damaged buildings and toxic algae are contributing factors in the earlier onset of brain-health issues. This is especially relevant in South Florida with its large population of seniors, frequent hurricanes, and the recent toxic algae crisis. But thanks to Rezilir Health, hope is happening. Under the guidance of Co-Founders Dr. Craig Tanio MD, FACP, and Tammy Motola RN, PhD, the dedicated staff at their highly advanced clinical practice in Hollywood, Fla., is working with patients to stem the tide of cognitive decline.
While there is no known cure for Alzheimer’s, there are ways to slow it down – if caught early enough – and to reverse some of the effects. At Rezilir Health, they believe that the key to reversing cognitive decline is getting to the root of the problem and changing the mindset on brain health and some of the stigma associated with declining brain function. The biggest mindset change is to start treating the brain like any other muscle in your body. The brain needs exercise to keep it sharp, and upon the first sign of any problems, we need to be ready to act. Dr.Tanio, who is also CEO of Rezilir Health, believes a shift in how we view our brain is necessary.“Brain health is the new physical fitness,” he says, emphasizing the importance of getting your brain checked at age 50. “It is understood that a man should begin to get his colon checked regularly, starting at around 50, so why shouldn’t the brain be treated the same way?”
If you are at the gym engaged in an exercise that you have done a thousand times, and suddenly you feel a twinge in your lower back, you immediately stop – because you know if you continue you could exacerbate the problem.
So why is it that if you fail to remember where you parked upon leaving the gym, you simply attribute that condition to forgetfulness, to getting older, or just another silly “senior moment.”
The fact is, as our physical health starts to decline, without question, we will take immediate action to remedy the problem. Dr.Tanio believes that attention to our brain health should be no different.
According to a study in “The Lancet” medical journal, 35 percent of cognitive decline can be prevented, but in order to do that, a person has to be willing to first admit that there might be decline. For many, especially those with brain-health issues in their family history, avoiding the issue is easier than facing the reality.
Consider that when AIDS first became a worldwide epidemic, it was believed that a diagnosis was equivalent to a death sentence, so many people preferred not to know. Through research and advancement in medicine, coupled with more education and information, it became evident that living with HIV is completely manageable – if caught early.
“There are clear methods of testing to measure brain performance and subsequently, minimizing the fear. Addressed early, a lot of the decline is reversible,” advises Dr.Tanio, “If you are worried about Alzheimer’s or dementia in your future, get it checked out now.”
For immediate information, call 786-780-1188 or visit
At their state-of-the-art facility, Dr. Tanio and the Rezilir Health team first evaluate your results and then develop a multi-pronged treatment plan customized to your own individual needs and preferences.
For many patients, the plan begins with a change to a brain-healthy diet – one that emphasizes healthy vegetables, healthy fats, and removal of foods that can cause inflammation such as wheat. They not only devise a nutrition plan, but even demonstrate for patients and family members how to prepare healthy options in Rezilir Health’s on-site test kitchen.
The facility also features hyperbaric chambers, infrared saunas, an herbal pharmacy, intravenous therapy, and Chinese medicine treatments such as acupuncture. The team keeps close track of current research in this area and closely collaborates with other related clinical groups.
“First and foremost, we want our patients to feel hopeful,” says Dr. Tanio of the goal of Rezilir Health.“After that, we want to fix brains, address root causes, and build resilience.”

Rezilir gets its name from the word resilience – and for many reasons. The brain is a tremendously resilient organ, but it also refers to the resiliency needed by the patients, and as importantly, their family members.
That is why Rezilir Health’s approach places a great emphasis on a patient’s family, too.
For Motola, optimal wellness and optimal outcomes occur,“when you take care of the patient, the caregiver, and the protocol.” In addition to co-founding the practice, Motola serves as President of Rezilir Health.
She notes, however, that it is the “protocol” component that requires most attention, in the form of hard work and support. Like someone who resolves to start the new year with a gym membership – they know that just signing up isn’t enough.
“Getting physically and mentally healthy often requires a person to fundamentally change parts of their life. It requires a tremendous commitment, and the nutritional aspect alone can mean a complete lifestyle change.
For some, investing in a healthy diet can also be a financial challenge, asserts Motola. “Yes, health care can be expensive, but ‘sick care’ is even more expensive.”
The brain is the most important organ in your body. It is also the most resilient. That is why Rezilir Health and its team of world-class clinicians are dedicated to delivering the best of conventional and integrative medicine to address diseases like Alzheimer’s.
While there may not be cure, there are certainly promising tools that make a difference in how patients are feeling, performing, and functioning – and that offer great hope for a healthy future.
Rezilir Health is located at 1930 Harrison St., Suite 404, Hollywood, FL 33020. For information, call 786-780-1188 or visit
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