From the hand of its director in the USA, Daniel Juejati, US Barcelona Sant Andreu is an official program of Barcelona Sant Andreu, of a recreational-formative nature, in which the same methodology and values associated with football proposed by US Barcelona Sant are taught Andreu, Respect, Teamwork and Commitment.
The main idea of the highly professional staff is the training and experience of football, the safeguarding and protection of the participants, recreation and also their growth as athletes.
In the same way that in Barcelona the Miami Soccer Camp offers a soccer clinic for children and young people of 5-17 years, where players can improve their level of play through aspects as important as they are technical, physical, tactical and thus combine these with a great day with new friends.
+ What are you looking for?
1) Create a fun, professional and training work plan.
2) Provide training opportunities for young players (ages 5-17 years)
3) International exchanges with Barcelona Sant Andreu.
4) With modern training methods we have an innovative approach to training.
5) Special cooperation program aimed at schools, clubs and colleges.
US Barcelona Sant Andreu will bring this experience in the main cities of the country.
+ Main Characteristics of the Barcelona Sant Andreu Experience
1. For boys and girls between 5 -17 years old.
5. Age- specific programs.
3. Hours from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
6. Trainers of Barcelona Sant Andreu
7. Adidas kit of Barcelona Sant Andreu (1 T-shirt, 1 Short and 1 Pair of socks)
9. Includes food (Lunches, snacks, drinks and snacks).
+ Learn more about how to participate in the Miami Soccer Camp here