Cheers! To a New Year, Love, and another chance to say “Thanks”

To Our Valued Readers,

We’re nearing that time of year when we hear a lot of “cheers,” as folks gather to formally toast the New Year. But many people also say “cheers” as a way to say “thank you” in a very informal way.

Here at Inspire Health Magazine, we like to say it every way, every day – but mostly in thanks to our readers, and to our valued customers. Cheers to new beginnings together and for helping us continue our mission of making the South Florida community achieve a healthier mind, body, heart, and soul.

Just so you know, our upcoming January-February issue starts out with smart ideas for health-conscious resolutions – and how to stick with them – from losing weight to boosting fitness, and everything in between. And because February is American Heart Month, we invite you to share with our readers any products and services you’d like to tout related to cardiology and heart health.

February is also the month for lovers, so we plan to carry a wide range of lovely stories and advertisements that will make Valentine’s Day really sparkle. For instance, if you’re in hot pursuit of romantic activities that go way beyond the traditional candle-lit dinner, we’ve got 14 other tantalizing ways to “Bring The Love” this year.

And finally, Inspire Health recognizes National Glaucoma Awareness Month and Thyroid Awareness Month in this first-of-the-year edition, with comprehensive coverage of these two illnesses that both affect millions of Americans every year.

So, we invite you to highlight the important products and services you provide by reserving advertising space in this special edition launching the 2020 year .

You’ll be grateful you did, because every two months, Inspire Health circulates 10,000 hard copies at physician’s offices, hospital centers, and at other health-care and wellness locations. We also boast an impressive “pass-along” readership of 75,000, as well as robust digital edition. Please feel free to view our most recent issue here.

The next issue will be distributed the first of January, with a material deadline of November 25th. Please contact Inspire Health with questions or to reserve your space today by calling 305-662-6863 m or via email at

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