Cutler Bay’s $17 million potato field purchase has changed Town forever

Grant Miller

Old Cutler Road has been saved from overdevelopment through a $17 million combination purchase-land swap of 16 acres the locals call the “potato field”.

The Town leaders are taking 16 acres at Southwest 212 Street and east of Old Cutler Road off the board, preventing more traffic on Old Cutler Road. They are also eliminating a 480-apartment scenario that was possible for the site.

Instead, the site will be home to a new Town center complex and a park that will be the envy of every local government.

It isn’t often that I applaud a municipality, but Cutler Bay’s leadership gets a gold star today because of its clarity and speed.

While government is often slow to take action, the Town has already completed the necessary land swap with private property owner, GCF Investments Inc. So, Cutler Bay is the potato field’s new landlord.

To honor its end of the bargain, Cutler Bay approved a $3 million payment to GCF Investments. Additionally, GCF Investments gets ownership of a six-story office building and the land under the current town hall at 10720 Caribbean Blvd., making the parties even Steven. Well not quite – Cutler Bay will lease the site of the current Town hall from GCF until the new one is designed and built.

So let’s all raise a toast – I don’t drink so I’ll toast with Perrier – to Cutler Bay Mayor Tim Meerbott, Vice Mayor Sue Ellen Loyzelle, and Council Members Robert “B.J.” Duncan, Michael P. Callahan and Roger Coriat.

What is as noteworthy is that it took two administrations – an election occurred in November 2018 – to hit this home run out of the park.

Congratulations to Cutler Bay. We should all be more like you. And, call them a call or email them and tell them what a great job they did.

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