A Letter from Coral Gables Mayor Raúl Valdés-Faul

Mayor Raúl Valdés-Fauli
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Dear Grant,

Hope you and your family are well and wishing you a happy and healthy New Year.

Recently I watched Coral Gables Commission candidates Javier Baños and Mayra Joli in one of your Facebook live shows and found several inaccuracies and innuendo that I believe need to be clarified. I will only highlight some of the most blatant.

First and foremost, I am greatly offended by the mention of graft and corruption by the City Commission not only for myself but on behalf of my colleagues. While we may sometimes disagree on issues, I know them to all be honorable public servants.

There was discussion of the two Alice Aycock sculptures on Segovia and there was a suggestion that my brother and I possibly had a personal interest. It is interesting to note that these sculptures were commissioned in 2014 and were approved unanimously by the City Commission following a selection process when I was not a member of any Board. So, mentioning my possible involvement is pure fiction and a lie. The resolution and discussions on the record clearly reflect I was not a member of the Commission.

Regarding the Carlos Cruz-Diez crosswalks, while I understand that all may not be fond of this art, this display was commissioned to promote our city as part of Art Basel, and we are indeed fortunate to display the work of this highly regarded master. Again, the discussion of nefarious doings is highly offensive. Additionally, I would like to clarify that the $180,000 acquisition was funded by the Art Acquisition Fund. The agreement was unanimously approved by the Commission.

The WAWA project settlement was executed in November 2017 with the process having started in 2003. The City Commission cannot take up the issue at this time as it would violate the terms of the settlement agreement. Were the City to do so, it would lead to further litigation. It is important to note that the parcel in question is owned by the Bahamian Village LLC which represents the residents and neighborhood surrounding Carver. Bahamian Village LLC entered into an agreement with a private partner to develop this site. They were the ones who built the community center that currently serves the residents in the neighborhood and will build the WAWA convenience store and gas station facing US 1 which will also employ area residents. To suggest that the community was not involved is simply untrue, the local community association is the one that is leading this project, and this is a private parcel.

Suggestions were made of Sunshine Law violations on the WAWA matter. These are unfounded and on behalf of my colleagues, I am offended and strongly resent any implication of violating Florida Statues.

Finally, I understand that the revision to the zoning code is an issue that has generated much discussion. As a result, we will be hosting our fourth Sunshine Meeting on January 14. To imply this was done in secret is false since more than 25 meetings have been held to date.

As long-time partners with Community Newspapers we understand and respect freedom of the press. It is important that you realize that these scurrilous allegations are unfounded, highly insulting and unworthy of your publications.

For more than 25-years I have proudly served the residents of Coral Gables in a variety of capacities. This is a community I love and one in which I have resided in for almost 50-years. While I understand that all may not agree with my opinions or decisions, the mere suggestion of any wrongdoing is defamatory.


Raúl Valdés-Faul

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