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Commissioner Kionne L. McGhee joins forces with Transport Workers Union, Local 291, South Dade Clergy, and business and community leaders to call on Mayor Cava not to issue the Notice to Proceed on the Design-Build Services Agreement for the South Corridor Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Project, but instead to issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) for rail to the South Dade Community.
“We will no longer allow for our community to be disconnected from the rest of the county. We will hold our elected officials accountable for their decisions. Our communities want economic development and rail will get us there. The current toll prices and bus system in South Dade are reducing our ability to have a quality of life similar to others in this great county,” Pastor Alphonso Jackson said.
“We deserve rail. The people have loudly spoken in action and voice that they want rail. Without rail, we are creating an unequal transportation system that will continue to punish hard-working, good people from South Dade. I fully support rail,” Pinecrest Vice Mayor Doug Kraft said.
“The Rail is the strongest option for economic growth in the South. It connects us to the rest of Miami-Dade County within a reasonable time frame. It will bring jobs and opportunities to our area. The economic impact of the rail will help to diminish poverty and crime. We want the rail,” Pastor Kay Dawson said.
“District 8 and 9 must have rail extended from Dadeland to Florida City. It is the only viable transportation backbone combined with local community feeder systems, like Palmetto Bay has built with its new circular buses and park and ride system, if we are going to solve the traffic problem in South Dade. An upgrade to our existing bus system and naming it Bus Rapid Transit won’t cut it; that is just perfuming the pig,” said John Dubois, Former Vice Mayor of Palmetto Bay, 2012-2020.
“South Dade has made it abundantly clear that what they want and need is rail. Continuing to pursue the BRT, particularly with a company that has been repeatedly been cited as a high financial risk by leading credit agencies, not only goes against the wishes of residents and businesses, it is financially irresponsible and a slap in the face to Miami-Dade County taxpayers. Our leadership should do right by the community and put forth a proposal that accurately reflects what has been promised for more than 20 years,” said TWU President Jefferey Mitchell, Local 291.
WHERE: Zoom, Facebook, Social Media Platforms
WHEN: Thursday, Jan. 14, 2021 at 6:30 p.m.
WHAT: Press Conference with Transport Workers Union, Local 291, South Dade Clergy, community, and business leaders
LIVE STREAM: @Commissioner Kionne McGhee,District9, @KayDawson, @AlphonsoJackson, @TWU291