Miami Shenandoah Neighborhood to Celebrate New Signage

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    Recent visitors to Miami’s Shenandoah neighborhood may have noticed the welcoming new sign monuments throughout the neighborhood.

    On Wednesday, May 19 at 6:30pm, residents and elected officials will gather at the traffic circle at SW 19th Ave and SW 21st St to celebrate the unveiling of the Shenandoah coral rock signs commemorating the neighborhood.

    The markers were an effort undertaken by the Miami Shenandoah Neighborhood Association (MSNA), and spearheaded by its Beautification Committee. This four year long project was brought to fruition thanks to the financial support of Miami-Dade County Commissioner Eileen Higgins and City of Miami Commissioner Manolo Reyes.  When initially asked about the idea of the project, representatives at the County and City said funds and grants could be possibly accessed, as well as guidance on permitting requirements, but the neighbors would need to do everything else, including design, engineering plans, and code compliance.

    Over the next four years, the association continued to push the project from concept to design, and execution. Thanks to the sweat equity of the Beautification Committee, costs were kept extremely low.  Then came along Youseff Hachem Consulting Engineering who donated his time and professional services to assemble and complete the engineering specifications. “Neighbors see so many projects that sound so expensive. This project, however, was very cost efficient.” treasurer Cesar Ramos remarked, explaining. “It wasn’t easy, but the result looks easy! And beautiful. We can teach other neighborhoods how to do this, and what pitfalls to watch for  Every neighborhood should try this if they can.”

    Charles Loredo, who heads the committee, said the unveiling is to thank everyone that was involved in the community-wide effort. “The signs are designed to welcome people as they enter our unique neighborhood. We are very grateful to everyone that came together, this project has taken nearly four years to complete!” Loredo said.

    For a neighborhood that thrives on community events like the annual Shenandoah Day family event or their recent smash, Halloween in Shenandoah, the MSNA welcomed a project they could finish safely during the pandemic. And with the community returning to some normalcy, the association looks forward to bringing people together.

    “The County and the City really came together on this, with special thanks to County Commissioner Eileen Higgins and City Commissioner Manolo Reyes, without them and their offices’ support, we probably wouldn’t have been able to complete the project. The offices of Commissioner Carollo and Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla also deserve recognition for co-sponsoring the item at commission giving the project its final push to success. “Shenandoah is such a special neighborhood for me.  Not just because of  it’s historic bungalows and beautiful gardens – but the people who live there.  They care about their community.  A project like the neighborhood signs demonstrates that,” said Miami-Dade County Commissioner Higgins.  “I’m happy my office was able to support this effort which really makes Shenandoah stand out even more!”

    City of Miami Commissioner Manolo Reyes added “When MSNA approached me with the idea of installing these neighborhood sign, I immediately agreed to it. Our neighborhoods are the heart of our City. I have always been a strong advocate of protecting them and this initiative show cases and identifies one of the many neighborhoods that comprise our City.”

    It was a true partnership, with so many coming together,” said Ms. Corrales. “This signage is another step in recognizing Shenandoah as one of the best neighborhoods in Miami. Our location, diversity and fabulous neighbors make this such a special community — and the signs celebrate that.”

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