Enid Weisman honored by Miami-Dade School Board

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At a recent Miami-Dade School Board Meeting, former Aventura Mayor Enid Weisman was honored by the School Board and the community.  After serving over 30 years with the school system and eight years as Aventura Mayor, there were thousands of people whose lives she touched.   School Board Member Lucia Baez- Geller initiated a School Board recognition for Weisman, and students, community leaders and School Board Members alike were there to honor her.

Aventura Commissioner Dr. Linda Marks, unable to attend the ceremony had Baez Geller read her letter, which included her heartfelt thoughts about this very special woman.  “Enid is dedicated to improving our City and the world, one person at a time.  She knows and understands the importance of an exemplary education for children, and as such, she is a great advocate for excellent teaching and learning.   Enid cares about the residents in our City, our County, our State and beyond.  She worked and will continue to work tirelessly to improve the lives of any and all citizens wherever she is.”

Former Miami-Dade Commissioner Sally Heyman, who had just retired after 36 years of public service, said, “Knowing and working with Enid  for over three decades has been an exceptional honor and privilege. What Enid has done for our community–creating  a sound, successful  educational foundation for our children in South Florida– is perhaps the most valuable service one can provide.”

Aventura Comm. Rachel Saltzman Friedland said, “ Serving with Mayor Weisman for the last two years was enlightening. Her wealth of knowledge and relationships is second to none. Her reach transcends the lines that often divide us – race, religion, geography and partisanship.  Her passion for doing good for others, most of all, children, seems to have no bounds.   Enid was never just my colleague. She was, always and will always be my friend.”

Former Aventura Commissioner Denise Landman said, “Today, I am here to speak about one of the kindest, brightest, passionate and compassionate public servants I’ve ever met, Enid Weisman. Twenty years ago, she was my high school principal. Since then, she has become a close friend, a colleague, a role model and a second mother to me and SO many others whose life she has touched through her incredible work.”

Cliff Schulman, former Chairman of the Aventura Marketing Council/Chamber of Commerce (AMC)  and law partner in Greenberg Traurig and Weiss Serota Helfman, spoke about their high school years together in Debate Club.  “They say the best gifts come in small packages. I am pleased to have Enid as a great educator, Mayor and most importantly, my friend “

Elaine Adler, AMC President, recounted the first time she met Enid Weisman as she was laying out the plans for a new high school, Dr.Michael M. Krop Sr. High.  “Her energy, passion and commitment to integrity and collaboration have made Aventura a role model for all cities.”

After all the speakers, School Board Member  Lucia Baez-Geller presented Weisman with  a School Board Resolution. “ I had the privilege of recognizing the Honorable Enid Weisman, a lifelong educator and public servant. It was an incredibly touching moment as we looked back on her time at Miami-Dade County Public Schools and the 47 years of service she dedicated to our children and families. Colleagues, past and present, arrived at the auditorium to speak on Ms. Weisman’s many accomplishments, a testament to the lives she touched throughout her career. Ms. Weisman continues to be an exemplary public servant, community partner and friend, and I wish her luck on this next chapter!”

Then it was time for the honoree to speak, “Being honored is always a humbling experience. I have been blessed to work with the most incredible people. Seeing so many of them… former students, teachers and administrators,  brought tears to my eyes.

Working with children is a passion and I had the opportunity to remind the newly-elected School Board that they are doing God’s work and that children really are our future. From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank everyone who made this day possible. “




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