Calendar note: The November village council meeting, falling as it did during an election month and rescheduled following the run-off results, was really only for the purpose of swearing in the newly elected council members, but the next regular monthly council meeting is set for Monday, December 6th and more than likely will be back to normal business. It’s at the usual place—the Deering Estate Visitors Center on Old Cutler road and 168th Street—and at the usual time, 7:00 p.m. If you missed the swearing in (and from the size of the crowd, not many did miss it!) it’s your first chance to see the new council all together and in action (or at least, all sharing space and looking busy). Congrats to them all!
Palmetto Bay bikers, take note! Miami- Dade Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) met members of the Dutch Consulate from the Netherlands, discussing the county’s role in 2011 “ThinkBike Workshops,” bring together Holland bike experts, local politicians, planners, advocates, engineers and business people to plan how North American cities can become more bike-friendly.
The Netherlands is considered the bicycle country of the world with nearly 30 percent of trips up to five miles made by bikers (1.1 bicycles per person the country) More than 60 percent of the Dutch prefer to bike when possible, resulting in less traffic jams, less pollution and a healthier population.
During the planned workshops, teams will survey designated cities to discuss how streets, intersections and whole neighborhoods can be improved for optimal bicycle use. Other topics will include bike safety, bike commuting, biking to school, bike parking, law enforcement, bikes and public transportation, etc. For more information about the MPO’s Bicycle/Pedestrian Program, call 305- 375-4507 or visit www.miamidade.gov/mpo.
Nice bunch of folks met recently at Dadeland Business Association meeting which Phyllis McHenry & Co. started up to better liaison fast-growing East Kendall “Downtown” business people with each other, as well as county agencies supervising both growth and security. Is incorporation of Downtown Dadeland around the corner? Just asking!
Will a new “Expressway” result from South Dade Busway improvements by the Miami-Dade Expressway Authority? Folks at Continental Park HOA meeting in mid- November got the initial look at a far-ranging, two-year program to see what can be done to improve daily use of the bus route. For more info go to www.mdxway. com/improvements/future_projects and scroll down to “US1 Express” at the bottom.
East Kendall’s Barry White, who heads Citizens Allied for Safe Energy, led opposition to FPLnuclear reactor installation proposal at Turkey Creek during Homestead meeting November 19, pointing out an almost impossible evacuation of 200,000 nearby residents in just two to 10 hours in case of a radiation accident. Continental Park HOA has chipped in a donation to Pinecrest’s effort to find alternatives to putting up 120-foot transmission poles along US 1 and SW 77th Avenue. Proposed $20 billion expansion comes up before Public Service Commission January 14, and is expected to gain approval despite widespread objections to current routing of power lines to serve Miami, which FPL claims is already drawing outside county’s power grid as far as Jacksonville to keep downtown alight.
If you can spare a donation to the Children’s Bereavement Center during the holiday season, they can use your help. “The CBC can’t fix what happened, but we can be there to offer support, guidance and a healing environment for kids and parents whose lives have been shattered by loss,” says Peter Willig of the center. “However, we can’t do it alone. The CBC needs your support to keep our groups free and available to all families in our community who are grieving the death of a loved one.” Email him at pswillig@childbereavement.org or visit their website at www.childbereavement.org/
Holiday shopping tip: It’s always much easier to park at neighborhood centers than battle for space at the malls. Think of the time you’ll save, too. Avoid the headaches of noisy crowds and waiting in line. “Shop Hometown First” with folks who share your neighborhood and our pages, too!
Biking ‘n Bits from Busy November
Among notes and paper slips on our desktop are some items too good to pass by…
Dutch treat! Miami-Dade Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) met members of the Dutch Consulate from the Netherlands, discussing the county’s role in 2011 “ThinkBike Workshops,” bring together Holland bike experts, local politicians, planners, advocates, engineers and business people to plan how North American cities can become more bike-friendly.
The Netherlands is considered the bicycle country of the world with nearly 30 percent of trips up to five miles made by bikers (1.1 bicycles per person the country) More than 60 percent of the Dutch prefer to bike when possible, resulting in less traffic jams, less pollution and a healthier population.
During the planned workshops, teams will survey designated cities to discuss how streets, intersections and whole neighborhoods can be improved for optimal bicycle use. Other topics will include bike safety, bike commuting, biking to school, bike parking, law enforcement, bikes and public transportation, etc. For more information about the MPO’s Bicycle/Pedestrian Program, call 305-375- 4507 or visit www.miamidade.gov/mpo.
East Kendall’s Barry White, who heads Citizens Allied for Safe Energy, led opposition to FPL nuclear reactor installation proposal at Turkey Creek during Homestead meeting November 19, pointing out an almost impossible evacuation of 200,000 nearby residents in just two to 10 hours in case of a radiation accident. Continental Park HOAhas chipped in a donation to Pinecrest’s effort to find alternatives to putting up 120- foot transmission poles along US 1 and SW 77th Avenue. Proposed $20 billion expansion comes up before Public Service Commission January 14, and is expected to gain approval despite widespread objections to current routing of power lines to serve Miami, which FPL claims is already drawing outside county’s power grid as far as Jacksonville to keep downtown alight.
Congrats to Palmetto Bay’s newly-elected Council Member Patrick Fiore, former West Kendall Community Council Chairman, who triumphed in a runoff November 16 to win the seat.
“An exhausting campaign” sez Fiore, 54, who credits walking the neighborhood, ringing about 3,000 or more doorbells to help win recognition. In his Kendall days, Fiore championed opening SW 157 Avenue as a new major north-south roadway, pushing District Park planning and helping many youth programs, among many other good works.
Nice bunch of folks met recently at Dadeland Business Association meeting which Phyllis McHenry & Co. started up to better liaison fast-growing East Kendall “Downtown” business people with each other, as well as county agencies supervising both growth and security. Is incorporation of Downtown Dadeland around the corner? Just asking!
Will a new “Expressway” result from South Dade Busway improvements by the Miami-Dade Expressway Authority? Folks at Continental Park HOA meeting in mid- November got the initial look at a far-ranging, two-year program to see what can be done to improve daily use of the bus route.
Note here from Martha Backer says that she discovered the influx of “white flies” in shrubbery around the Hammocks Police Station, wonders if authorities have chased them out of the area in nearby Kings Meadows Park, too.
Holiday shopping tip: It’s always much easier to park at neighborhood centers than battle for space at the malls. Think of the time you’ll save, too. Avoid the headaches of noisy crowds and waiting in line. “Shop Hometown First” with folks who share your neighborhood and our pages, too!
Thought for the Day:
A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all the other virtues.
— Cicero
Richard Yager contributed to this column.
Got any tips? Contact me at 305-669- 7355, ext. 249, or send emails to: michael@communitynewspapers.com.
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