Attorney; Lourdes, Oscar and Jonathan Rodriguez, ASP Windows and Doors
Is There Justice in the Criminal Justice System?” was the topic of a recent Aventura Marketing Council Chairman’s Roundtable luncheon featuring attorney, author and national media legal analyst Mark Eiglarsh, named one of Florida Trend’s “Legal Elite.” American Storm Protection (ASP) Windows and Doors and TM Windows/Florida’s Best hosted the event raising the bar for business-building at Christine Lee’s at Gulfstream Park.
Declaring the luncheon officially in session, Bob Hollander of Brown & Brown Insurance standing in for AMC Chair Cliff Schulman of Weiss, Serota, Helfman, welcomed business and community leaders along with Jonathan Rodriguez of American Storm Protection (ASP) Windows and Doors and Blair Liss of TM Windows/Florida’s Best, who shared “expert testimony” about success based on customer satisfaction.
Family-owned and operated, ASP is South Florida’s premier impact window, door and hurricane protection contractor specializing in affordable, energy-efficient solutions for retrofit and new construction installations protecting residential and commercial properties from natural disaster and intruders. For over 40 years, TM Windows/Florida’s Best has been expertly manufacturing a complete line of standard and custom aluminum windows and doors including Florida’s Best brand and the ValorPro vinyl system designed to withstand Florida’s unique climate conditions and help ensure security.
Taking the stand, Eiglarsh gave AMC members a “window of opportunity” to learn more about the justice system. Based in South Florida, The Law Offices of Mark Eiglarsh provides aggressive and innovative representation of all criminal matters in both State and Federal court. A former prosecutor and veteran criminal defense attorney, Eiglarsh serves as a legal analyst for CNN Headline News and The Fox News Channel and has been featured on nationally televised programs including The View, 60 Minutes, The Today Show, the O’Reilly Factor and E! News.

“We have the world’s best justice system because it’s about what can be proven,”Eiglarsh said. “To arrest someone requires probable cause – but before someone can be found guilty there must be proof beyond a reasonable doubt that the crime was committed and that the defendant was the one who committed the crime. I would change jury forms so instead of ‘guilty or not guilty’ the choice would be ‘proven or not proven.’”
Eiglarsh went on to enlist the help of the audience to hold a mock trial highlighting how difficult it can be to obtain convictions due to lack of sufficient evidence. He emphasized, “Ultimately, it’s the quality and quantity of evidence that will affect the outcome of cases more than anything else.”
Before networking proceedings were adjourned, based on indisputable evidence including “dedication, integrity and superiors ervice,” everyone unanimously agreed to highly recommend American Storm Protection (ASP) Windows and Doors: Phone: 888-782-8342, aspwindows.com and TM Windows/Florida’s Best: Phone: 954-781-4430, tmwindow.com. To contact the Law Offices of Mark Eiglarsh, phone: 305-674-0003 or visit www.eiglarshlaw.com.