Congratulations to Miami-Dade County Public Schools

L to R) Miami-Dade School Board: Carlos Carvelo; Raquel Regalado; Vice Chairman Dr. Larry Feldman Chairman Perla Tabares Hantman; Supt. Alberto Carvalho; Dr. Wilbert “Tee” Holloway; Dr. Martin Karp

Miami-Dade County Public Schools (MDCPS) has but one goal, to improve student achievement and recently, the Broad Prize for Excellence in Urban Education, sponsored by the Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation was awarded to M-DCPS.

Considered the “Nobel Prize,” for education, the Broad Prize is given annually to the school district deemed to have demonstrated the greatest overall performance and improvement in student achievement, while reducing achievement gaps for low-income and minority students. As the winner, MDCPS receives $550,000 in scholarships for graduating seniors.

“Our ability to deliver results has bee validated on a national level. The 11-mem ber Broad Prize jury, made up of national lu minaries, including former U.S. presidentia cabinet members, governors, labor leader and captains of industry, reviewed our com pelling student performance data and unan imously voted Miami-Dade Schools as th best in the nation.

I am proud of your work and what w have accomplished together. I know tha with the right tools we can achieve eve more. Congratulations. You are all Broa Prize winners,” said Superintendent Albert Carvalho.

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