Republicans from all across the state of Florida are gathering for a traditional Sunday afternoon picnic, Feb. 23, 11 a.m. – 3 p.m., at Tropical Park. This family-friendly event – complete with a carousel, bounce house, and other fun activities for children – offers an opportunity for casual interaction with elected officials, political candidates, and media personalities. Look for the big tent at Tropical Park Shelter 1, 7900 SW 40 St., Miami, FL.
“We are really looking forward to getting together with friends who share our political views in an easy-going and casual setting,” said Maricel Cobitz, president of the North Dade Chapter of Federated Republican Women (FRW). “It will be a pleasure to shed our business suits and instead wear t-shirts and shorts for a change.”
The event is intended to offer voters a chance to meet political officials in advance of campaign season to enable them to learn about their views. Candidates will also have the option to recruit valuable volunteer assistance at the picnic.
FRW of North Dade is a group chartered under the National Federation and Florida Federation of Republican Women. As a 2019 recipient of the coveted National Diamond Award for Excellence, the chapter was also recognized as Florida’s Best Chapter Award for its outstanding performance in recruitment of members and hosting educational events. The club’s leaders also were recently invited to the White House in gratitude of their efforts.
The goal of the FRW of North Dade is to inform the electorate through political education and activities; disseminate information to all members; increase the effectiveness of women in the cause of good government through active participation; facilitate cooperation among Republican organizations; promote Republican principles and candidates in all elections including non-partisan elections; and support the election of Republican Party nominees.
President Cobitz said, “We are pleased to be able to host this event for people to enjoy spending an afternoon with like-minded citizens and feel proud to be a part of the GOP, which is leading our state and nation.”
All Republican elected officials and political candidates are invited to attend, by sending an email to admin@FRWND,org.
To ensure that vendors have the appropriate volume of food for purchase, all guests planning to attend must pre-register at www.frwnd.org/event-3730500. Learn how to become a member of FRW of North Dade at www.frwnd.org or call 786-265-9990.