At a recent Law seminar presented by the Aventura Marketing Council/Chamber of Commerce’s Law and the North Dade Bar Association, sponsored by Marquis Bank, attendees learned that South Florida is ‘ground zero’ for the nation’s opioid epidemic.
Keynote speaker, Palm Beach State Attorney Dave Aronberg and former Florida State Senator, has been working to change that since he was elected to the State Senate in 2002 as its youngest member, and served until 2010. In 2010, he returned to the Florida Attorney General’s Office as a Special Prosecutor for Prescription Drug Trafficking. In his role as the Attorney General’s “Drug Czar”, Aronberg led an anti-pill mill initiative that helped clean up the pain clinic industry and reduce the record number of people dying each day from oxycodone abuse. His work to save lives from drug overdoses continues as a top priority to this day.
Today, in his position as Palm Beach County’s State Attorney, he remains focused on this topic. His presentation, “The Opioid Epidemic: How We Got Here”, covered marketing abuses, statistics and trends; government’s long-overdue response to the opioid epidemic; state and federal laws and regulations; abuses of well-intended Federal laws; success at the local level; new laws to combat the problems at the state and federal level and emerging trends and challenges.
Janet Henfield-Green, Senior Vice President, Aventura Market Manager, said, “Marquis Bank is just delighted to not only sponsor this luncheon, but I am honored to serve as the AMC Law Committee Chairman. Marquis Bank has a long history of working with attorneys and have recently introduced our Professional Choice Line of Credit which offers low interest rate, no closing costs, and a quick approval and closing process. Today’s guest speaker was absolutely outstanding, giving us a great education in the scope of the national opioid problem and his incredible efforts that have led to new Florida laws and regulations that have become a national role model.”
Rick Chizever, President of the North Dade Bar Association, spoke about his Bar Assoc. programs, and announced that each attorney at this luncheon will be receive two Continuing Legal Education Credits. He gave a special welcome to the four Judges in attendance: Assoc. Administrative Judge Linda Singer-Stein, Judge Lody Jean; Judge Jason Emilios Dimitris and Judge Luis Perez Medina.
For more information, marquisbank.com 305.577.5770 or aventuramarketingcouncil.com; northdadebar.com