The Rambam Health Care Campus in Israel has been reaching its goals and maintaining its mission through the help of its new and continued loyal supporters and donors.
Rambam has been at the center of healthcare, helping to lead Israel through the Second Lebanon war, treating civilian patients and wounded soldiers from the front while being under continuous rocket attacks, the Flotilla incident and the northern fires. Rambam is a 1,000-bed, full-service teaching hospital and Northern Israel’s largest medical center and tertiary referral center for 11 district hospitals. Located in Haifa, Rambam serves more than two million residents.
Rambam is undergoing its most extensive site improvement ever. Designed to dramatically improve hospitalization services, patient care and research, it will also prove to transform Rambam into one of the most advanced medical centers in the world. The western campus plan includes the construction of the 2,000-bed Sammy Ofer Fortified Underground Emergency Hospital (due to open in the next couple months) and an above-ground complex to include the Biomedical Discovery Tower, a cardiovascular hospital, Ruth Rappaport Children’s Hospital and Joseph Fishman Oncology Center.
The Underground Emergency Hospital is the largest of its kind in the world. “In 2006 we had to face impossible challenges when the hospital came under missile attack , while at the same time tending to the wounded among civilians and soldiers ,” explained Prof. Rafi Beyar, Director and one of the initiators of Rambam’s underground hospital, “we decided to take our fate into our own hands. Eight years later, here stands a structure built with careful planning to benefit patients in the region. I hope we never have to use this facility, but if the day comes—we’ll be ready for any scenario.”
To learn more or to make the expansion a reality through a donation, visit To schedule a meeting, call Libby Roffe, Associate Development Director/FL AFORAM, 305-965-4541.