Starting a new tradition is not an easy task, but when you have partners that believe in community service and pampering the community, it becomes a whole new ballgame! Thanks to the team at The Plaza at ParkSquare, guests enjoyed a second Tea Time in Aventura….. an old tradition with a twist. Twenty-five ladies and gentlemen attended and learned home decor tricks, easy and below budget, presented by Gladys Mezrahi, Founder/President of Indigo Events. “ I truly enjoyed this, and felt like Mary Poppins taking things out of my bag so that a simple table would become became a showcase befitting an elegant affair…and all for the cost of less than a flower arrangement!” said Mezrahi.
Keith Litman, Executive Director of The Plaza, took the guests on tours of the building, and you could see how thrilled everyone was to see all the luxurious amenities that await future residents. Mezrahi noted, “Even though The Plaza is an assisted living facility, it really feels and looks more like a luxury cruise on land. For those moving in, this is not what you would expect—- this is a fun way of becoming seniors and a new way of enjoying life.”