Zeev and Hadas Feig host reception for American Friends of Rambam Medical Center

Zeev and Hadas Feig host reception for American Friends of Rambam Medical Center
Zeev and Hadas Feig host reception for American Friends of Rambam Medical Center
Dr. Eyal Fruchter; Sue Baron; Hadas & Zeev Feig; Marita & George Feldenkreis

Rambam benefactors Zeev and Hadas Feig opened their home and their hearts for the South Florida Chapter of American Friends of Rambam Medical Center in Haifa, Israel, at a “parlor meeting” they hosted in North Miami Beach, Florida, on February 1st. Their friends and families gathered to meet visiting Rambam physician, Dr. Eyal Fruchter, Chief of Psychiatry and former Chief Psychiatrist for the IDF, and hear an exciting presentation about his experiences as a specialist in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PSTD) and suicide-prevention and the personal psychiatrist of captured Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit.

Among the honored guests were Zeev Feig’s uncle and aunt, George and Marita Feldenkreis, who, along with Zeev and Hadas, graciously endowed the Eva F. Feig Ovarian Cancer Center in Rambam’s Joseph Fishman Oncology Center in beloved memory of George’s sister and Zeev’s mother.

In addition to George Feldenkreis, President and CEO Emeritus of Perry Ellis International, family members attending included George’s son, Oscar Feldenkreis, current President and CEO of Perry Ellis International and also President of the Friends of the Israel Defense Forces in Miami, along with George’s daughter, Fanny Hanono, whose son, Evan, visited and toured Rambam this past summer with his grandfather, George.

AFORAM salutes the Feig and Feldenkreis families, whose generous donations will help to save the lives of countless women in Israel and around the world stricken with this life threatening disease. For more information, please contact Sue Baron, Southeast Regional Director, American Friends of Rambam Medical Center, at suebaron@bellsouth.net or call 305-794-5155.

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