FPL: Top tips to control your business’s energy use

FPL: Top tips to control your business’s energy use

FPL: Top tips to control your business’s energy useAs the weather heats up, keep your energy bill cool by taking control of how your business uses energy. Here are some top tips from Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) to help business customers save energy and money like an expert – and beat the heat this summer.


Consider replacing any traditional incandescent light bulbs with Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL) bulbs, or better yet, with light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs which use 85 percent less energy, saving you about $70 in energy costs over the life of the bulb.

Don’t forget about signage: replacing incandescent bulbs with LEDs saves about 80 percent on signage costs.

Install occupancy sensors in rooms not always in use to help reduce your total lighting costs.

Appliances and Devices

Use smart power strips to regulate energy use on devices such as computers, copiers and printers to save up to 30 percent on your bill.

Enable the sleep mode on office computers – it can save $20 per year per computer.

Use programmable thermostats to reduce air conditioning when your facility isn’t occupied.

Take control of your energy use with a free Business Energy Evaluation at FPL.com/BizEasyToSave. Want to lower your bills at home? The number one driver of your residential energy bill is your A/C. The hotter the temperature, the longer your A/C runs to keep you cool – increasing your energy use and bill.

“We recommend cooling your home to 78 degrees, but understand that’s not for everyone,” said FPL Energy Expert Tiffany Spence-Cox. “Keep in mind that small changes add up: each degree you raise your thermostat can save you five percent on your monthly cooling costs.”

See more tips for managing your home’s energy use like an expert at FPL.com/BeatTheHeat.

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