Comedian Aniela McGuinnes, a film and television actress and popular improv comic, will highlight this year’s theme of “Love, Laugh, Live” as guest speaker of the 16th annual Day of Caring Breast Cancer Awareness event on Saturday, May 13, at the Intercontinental Hotel in downtown Miami.
This locally organized day-long event celebrates the lives of women battling breast cancer and is designed to educate, empower and give hope to those affected by breast cancer.
“We’re thrilled to have Aniela as our guest speaker,” said Doreen Ruggiero, co-chair. “She has been using humor and honesty to not only share her entire cancer experience but also blending it with her years of performance experience to create fun and useful content for cancer students, cancer graduates and their caregivers.”
McGuinness was diagnosed with breast cancer in September of 2014, a year after her mother passed away from ovarian cancer and just a few days before her appointment for a preventative mastectomy. She had tested positive for the BRCA1 genetic mutation a few years earlier, making her more likely to develop breast cancer. She decided to have a bilateral mastectomy to prevent the illness.
All-day educational sessions will offer the latest information on breast cancer treatment, along with current information on maintaining a healthier lifestyle and encouragement for those concerned with preventing cancer and related diseases.
Medical professionals will host morning seminars on survivor stress management, reconstructive surgery, preventive nutrition, and alternative treatments, as well as a discussion on the psychological after-effects of breast cancer.
Immediately following lunch, the exciting “Models of Hope Fashion Show,” will feature the not so typical runway models, but rather men and women who are survivors of breast cancer.
Lynette Janac, publisher and editor of South Florida Luxury Guide, will serve as emcee for the Models of Hope Fashion Show.
“Day of Caring is designed to provide fresh ideas, thought-provoking insights and the latest resources on breast cancer, how to prevent it, how to deal and live with it,” said Vivien Knight, co-chair. “Those who attend will leave feeling inspired and invigorated.”
The Signature Presenting Sponsor of this year’s Day of Caring for Breast Cancer Awareness is Miami Cancer Institute at Baptist Health South Florida.
Registration at the Intercontinental Hotel in Miami starts at 7:30 a.m. and events run until 3:30 p.m. Tickets are $65 and donations are tax deductible and CEU credits are available. For more information or to register online, visit