As fall is upon us, every weekend walkers and racers will be busy trying to decide where to participate. Charity events are always this writer’s first option when planning the weekend and the choices are many.
Marly Q is orchestrating all day beach event on Miami Beach on Collins Avenue and 73rd Street at the North Shore Bandshell for the 5K Park Fest. On Nov. 2, the day begins at 6 a.m. with Sunrise Yoga followed by a 5K Fun Run/ Jog/ Walk, a Park Mini Run-Sand Dash. There will be a kids corner, art exhibit, beach volleyball and soccer, food trucks, deejay and live music, raffles and more. Registration is $40 and, for all charities wanting to participate, it will provide a wonderful fundraising opportunity. Nonprofits who sign up participants will be able to receive back half of the funds raised or $20 per entry less a small charge for credit card transaction.
For information, visit www.parkfest.org.
The FARA Race of the Champions 2014 will take place at Homestead Speedway on Oct. 4 and 5. Gates open at 9 a.m. Those who attended the monthly Falls Auto Show on Sept. 27 received courtesy tickets for this great weekend of auto racing. The Falls Auto Show, which benefits Coral Gables Rotary’s veterans programs at the VA Hospital, is a great family outing orchestrated by Rotarian Fred Baddour every third Saturday of the month at 8700 SW 133 St.
For information, visit www.fallsautoshow.com. For more information on the Race of Champions, visit www.farausa.com.
In another Fall activity, the GFWC Coral Gables Woman’s Club participated in the Walk to Cure Arthritis kickoff luncheon held Sept. 16 at the Hyatt Regency Coral Gables. CGWC past president Mireya Kilmon, the 2014 honoree, was the featured speaker giving an impassioned and touching address that had the crowd motivated to support the Nov. 15 event at Amelia Earhart Park. The very next day, the CGWC held an Open House for MDCPS and Independent School teachers to introduce them to the club’s free children’s dental clinic.

The afternoon affair was followed by a wine and cheese reception for prospective members that was a great success thanks to Kate and Sara Swain, president Mayra Dominguez, vice president Debi Moore and so many others.
For more information on the Club’s May Van Sickle Children’s Dental Clinic or on the club and its upcoming Halloween Party fundraiser, visit www.coralgableswomansclub.org.
Congratulations go out to Gables Rotary past presidents Owen Freed, who gave an impressive talk on the history of the club during a recent meeting, and to Yolanda Woodbridge for receiving a special pin for member recruitment recently from club president Carlos Bolado.
Finally, look for more news of the Junior Orange Bowl Kickoff, the Chamber’s Trustee Reception at Mercantil Commercebank, the Chairman’s Reception at The Biltmore and so many other events in this edition and save the date for The Great Grove Bed Race in Coconut Grove on November 8th starting a noon on South Bayshore and McFarlane Road. Admission is $5 for adults and Kids 12 and under are free.
For more information on how to participate with your own bed and become a sponsor, visit www.TheGreatGroveBedRace.com.
Until next time, keep making each day count.
If you want to submit information for this column, send your news via email to gloriagalburns@aol.com.