Miami Breast Cancer Experts Second Edition, titled Experts in Pink (Expertos en Rosa) is now available en español.
In 2014, Cindy Papale and Sabrina Hernandez Cano set forth to accomplish one simple but important goal. Many books had been written on the subject of breast cancer, but never had experts in the field come together to offer their knowledge on their particular practice.
In Miami Breast Cancer Experts First Edition, the hope was to create greater awareness through the eyes of the survivors, along with the expertise of the medical and healthcare professionals who make up the wholesome care of a woman’s journey through the breast cancer diagnosis. The authors said the feel they accomplished this in the first edition.
With Experts In Pink, both in English and now en español, they decided to go even farther on other topics so well needed — like Cardiac Effects after chemotherapy and radiation therapy by Dr. Javier Jimenez, a very important chapter on dental care by Dr. Rita Dargham, even music therapy and how it helps the immune system by Marilyn Smith Van Houten.
Alejandro Badia, MD., FACS, a world renowned hand and upper extremity surgeon, founder of the Miami-based Badia Hand to Shoulder Center and the Innovative Creator of OrthoNOW, a unique orthopedic walk-in center national franchise, who writes an amazing chapter on lymphedema and neuropathy effects after treatment.
Experts in Pink is a smorgasbord of intelligent essays on every aspect of breast cancer. Everyone — nurses, doctors, and people dealing with the disease for the first time — will find chapters of this book helpful.
Breast cancer treatment in Miami seems to be at the apex of a healing mountain, there are so many highly regarded professionals working at making it not just survivable but turning it into a life challenge that can help woman find enhancement for their lives beyond it. This is not a sad book, but a compilation of so much hope and the possibility that you will find yourself smiling, enjoying the ride.
Experts in Pink, as the testimonial written by Mariel Hemingway says: “It’s so important to be informed as a woman. Cindy and Sabrina provide a compassionate and detailed look into the impact and most importantly the solution to empowering yourself when dealing with Breast Cancer. Thank you, ladies!”
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