Florida Power & Light Company teams up with musicians for memorable energy savings lessons

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Families to play FPL’s “Savings to Sing About” Trivia Game to learn energy tips and win smart thermostats and music streaming subscriptions

Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) wants customers to learn how to save money with the new all-in-one energy-savings online tool – the FPL Energy Manager, and sing a happy tune with Savings to Sing About, a new music-themed energy-savings trivia game. FPL partnered with Cameo to embed surprise video messages from well-known musicians – such as Kenny G, Mark McGrath, Chaka Khan and Johnny Van Zant from Lynyrd Skynyrd – offering energy-savings trivia and helping spread the word about FPL’s free Energy Manager.

Now through Nov. 2, customers can play and watch Cameos from well-known artists while testing their energy savings IQ. Customers will race against the clock to answer multiple choice questions using the game’s interactive platform. Every two weeks, up to 100 top players will win a smart thermostat for their home or a 3-month subscription to a music streaming service. FPL customers who are up for the challenge and want a chance to score a prize can visit FPLSingYourSavings.com now through Nov. 2 to start finding savings they can sing about.

With the rising temperatures, staying cool is on everyone’s mind. The new FPL Energy Manager allows customers to view the whenwhere and how of their home’s energy use and adjust accordingly to rake in the savings.

About the new FPL Energy Manager:

  • Energy Dashboard: know when you are using energy during a selected time period
  • Energy Analyzer: put a spotlight on where your home uses energy, so you can use less and save more
  • Energy Simulator and Calculator: remix your energy to see how small changes can save you big over time

In addition to the FPL Energy Manager, customers can learn low-cost/no-cost energy saving tips they can implement at home to help decrease their monthly bill through FPL’s Savings to Sing About Trivia Game.

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