Longtime supporters, sponsors and board members gathered for a pre gala celebration sponsored by Smith & Wollensky- South Beach, whose General Manager, Henry Delgado, is a member of the organization’s board of directors. The restaurant provided guests with an open bar, yummy hors d’ouevres and a beautiful setting. ASHFN’s CEO & Founder, Nick Silverio, thanked the many sponsors several of whom were represented including Gina McDowell, from Coastal Construction; Arnie Perez with wife Carmen, and Doug Eney, from Carnival Cruise Line; Jackie Gutstein, of Baptist Health South Florida; Efrain Sora, board member, from Global Insurance; Roxy Sora, of Artful Fashions; Dr. Francisco Medina with wife Eva, from Baptist Hospital Pediatrics; Aurora deArmas, NCL; and Dr. Jaime Fernandez, a neonatologist and new ASHFN board member. Also seen enjoying the evening with this writer was long time supporter State Representative Rene Garcia, ASHFN board member Jerome Hurtak and wife Donna, Dr. Humberto Barrios and wife Beverly, Marti Bueso, Coral Gables Woman’s Club member Theresa Gilmore, Judy Ruiz, Ann McCormick, and Gina Perez, to mention a few. Everyone enjoyed a heart warming video that demonstrates A Safe Haven for Newborns’ outreach and how it has helped saved more than 287 babies from abandonment and possible death.
In other news, Zelda Williams, of the Overtown Youth Center, stopped by the Rotary Club of Coral Gables on September 13th with a token of appreciation for the club’s ongoing support of the Shake-a-Leg Summer Camp Program. Zelda are largely the beneficiaries of this program with funding received from the club’s foundation grant. For many of these kids it’s the only time in their lives they’ve ever been on the water an it is certainly a program members love to support. SAL founder Harry Horgan followed up at the September 20th meeting to share the ongoing activities at Shake-A-Leg,. Many Rotarians are volunteers there including Gables Rotarian Bill Quesenberry who has volunteered for many years.
Speaking of Rotary, South Miami and Coral Gables Rotarians are always looking to volunteer wherever they can and on a pretty consistent basis are doing coastal clean ups. Most recently the Gables Club spent the morning of September 15th getting dirty and enjoying every minute volunteering there time picking up more than 400 pounds of garbage. Among the volunteers were Phil Boswell. Sally Baumpartner, Carol Alexander and daughter, Kiyanitza Hatsunaro “Hatsi”, Kelly Garces, and Nico Eterovic..
A recent Honor Flight for our veterans was held on Sept. 15th as well with District 11 GFWC Clubs participating. From accompanying a vet, like GFWC-FL District 11 Director Elizabeth Kourtesis Fisher, to providing 165 breakfast snack bags for the flight as was done by the Coral Gables Woman’s Club, everyone did their part for an emotional and rewarding day.
Kudos to all who donate their time for these worthy causes.
Until next time, keep making each day count.