iOS 8 Features

iOS 8 features


[dropcap]A[/dropcap]pple’s iOS 8 is out and plagued with issues. Last night, after much thought I decided to upgrade my iPad 2 to the latest and greatest that apple has to offer for their mobile division of products. Bad Idea! I knew I should not have done it but what’s done is done.

iOS 8 features


Slow start-up, crashing, and just a horrible overall experience! I made the same mistake when apple debuted there iOS 7 platform, which in my opinion was one of their better mobile platforms. As they say, “Fool me once, shame on you… Well you know.

I, at least had some sense in doing the upgrade to my iPad and not my girlfriend’s phone.

iOS 8 Features

She was really excited about using the new features that apple had touted as being “ revolutionary”. Some of the most anticipated features include, integration of desktop and mobile devices, upgrades to Siri, wifi calling and the new and improved text messaging experience. After she saw the mess on our iPad, she was endowed with some patience and decided to put it on hold.

Which brings me to my point, we have all become beta testers of sorts. Instead of apple spending their time and making their operating system rock solid from the beginning, we have been given the task of being their free guinea pigs. We must now suffer through weeks and possibly months of bugs and constant crashes until apple decides to drop its inevitable patch to fix our beloved iPhones.

The Verdict

Do yourself a favor and wait until apple gets their stuff together before you upgrade your phone. But we all know what will really happen…so go ahead update your phone and enjoy the work in progress.


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