Ambitious course to cover 33 centuries of Jewish literature

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To study the history of most cultures, you need to learn about wars and empires, warriors and city builders, and great works of art. But the history of Judaism is overwhelmingly a history of books.

Books form the core of Judaism’s culture. But even if they’re known as “the People of the Book,” much of Judaism’s classic literature remains closed to contemporary Jews.

This February, JLI instructure Rabbi Avraham Stolik will open Jewish literature to a contemporary audience. He is leading a class of Jews of many affiliations and backgrounds as they explore the history, authors, and content of Judaism’s most important titles in a new course titled Book Smart.

“It’s an ambitious undertaking,” Rabbi Stolik said. “I’m excited because I think the course will give us a richer understanding of what Judaism meant throughout the centuries and what it can mean for us today.”

When Book Smart’s first 90-minute session begins on Wednesday, Feb. 1, 7:30 p.m., students will begin their six-week survey of traditional Jewish literature, covering: Torah, Talmud, Midrash, halachah, ethics, and philosophy, as well as kabbalah and Chasidic mysticism. First session of Book Smart will be held at Books & Books, 265 Aragon Ave., Coral Gables. Join the first session free with no obligation. RSVP required to

“We’ll meet the authors behind the big ideas of Jewish history over a period of 33 centuries,” Rabbi Stolik said.

The history of Jewish literature is a broad subject, but Rabbi Stolik said the course also will go deep.

“We’re not just going to learn why these works were written. We’re actually going to get a taste of what it’s like to participate in a Talmudic debate, unpack a philosophical conundrum, and decipher a kabbalistic text from the Zohar.”

Book Smart was developed by The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute, headquartered in Brooklyn, NY, which has a sterling reputation for producing high-quality and engaging courses. Over 400,000 people have participated in JLI’s courses since the organization was founded in 1998.

Rabbi Stolik said he isn’t promising students overnight expertise on the works discussed in the course. “But I can assure them it will be an enjoyable and intellectually engaging journey, giving us valuable context for all our future Jewish learning.”

The course will be offered in-person as well as over Zoom. Sign-in information will be provided upon enrollment.

As with other JLI programs, the course is designed to appeal to people at all levels of knowledge, including those without prior exposure to Jewish learning. All JLI courses are open to the public, and attendees need not be affiliated with a particular synagogue, temple, or house of worship.

Interested students may visit or call 305-490-7572 for registration and for other course-related information.



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