Tucker Elementary’s annual fifth grade graduation party once again was supported and hosted by the members of the GFWC Coral Gables Woman’s Club at their clubhouse.
With balloons galore, covered chairs with tablecloths and centerpieces in school colors, the ballroom of the clubhouse looked fit for a gala welcoming students, teachers and administrators on the morning of June 2.
Tucker school counselor Jolie Salazar directed a program during which the several students shared memories, recited poems and received awards. The awards, voted on by fellow class members, included both male and female in the following categories: Class Clown, Most Studious, Cutest Boy/Girl, Most Athletic, Most Artistic, Best leader, Most Likely to Become Famous, Most Likely to Succeed, BFF (girls/boys), and Most Musical.
Among the many club member volunteering to help out that day were the event coordinator Ruth Martinez with fellow club members Susie Tilson, Valerie Valenzuela, Kate Swain, Arely Ruiz, Dr. Iris Torres and Maryann Etkin.
Tarpon Bend hosted an informative talk by Dr. David Butler with Figurella and Executive Concierge Medicine on June 8. Despite the stormy night, dozens of guests attended the affair enjoying hors oeuvres and drinks while gathering information on ways to stay fit. Chiara Migani of Figurella introduced Dr. Butler who was a big hit with his talk on longevity, ways to stay healthy longer and medicine in general, answering numerous questions about treatment, prescription drugs often being over prescribed and questions about concierge medicine.
Guests also had a chance to learn more about Figurella, a unique body shaping and weight loss center first opened in Italy in 1980 that now has more than 500 centers worldwide with one in Coral Gables and a relatively new center in Pinecrest. Since opening these centers, Figurella has been great about supporting numerous non-profit charities locally including Woman Who Rock and the Coral Gables Woman’s Club.
In other news, save the dates are starting to appear for end of year and 2017 events. Where did this year go? Coming up on June 25, the Coral Gables Woman’s Club will host an open house for its free children’s dental clinic at 1009 E. Ponce de Leon Blvd. with Breakthrough Miami. This is a phenomenal community resource for children who fall between the cracks in the healthcare system. Anyone interested in learning more about the clinic is welcomed as are those interested in possibly joining the club and serving the community.
Other summer action will include the Junior Orange Bowl Queen’s Ball on Aug. 20 at the Biltmore Hotel for the outgoing Queen and Court.
A week later, the 2016-17 Finals Pageant in Miami Springs will select next year’s Queen and Court. For more information on entering the pageant or other JOBC events, visit www.jrorangebowl.org.
Another date to save will be Oct. 22, for the Coral Gables Woman’s Club famous Halloween party. If you love dressing up for Halloween and dancing, this is the place to be. There will be more on these activities in upcoming issues.
For those already scheduling for 2017, here are some early listings. Gables Rotarians are holding their second annual Chili Cook Off on Feb. 25 and organizations and sponsors wanting to participate are encouraged to set aside that date. In addition the Junior Orange Bowl Committee’s 2017 Gala will be on Mar. 18.
Finally, the 29th annual Miami Physicians Fishing Tournament is upon us. Scheduled for June 23-26, this fundraiser for Live Like Bella Cancer Foundation will take place at Ocean Reef Club in Key Largo. Team entry fee is $750 and Social entry is $175. For more information visit www.facebook.com/MiamiPhysiciansFishingTournament
Until next time, keep making each day count.
If you want to submit information for this column, please send your news via email to gloria@communitynewspapers.com.