Q. I am a 72-year old woman interested in getting a facelift. My cheeks have wrinkles and sagginess and I hate how I look. I’m young at heart, active and in good shape for my age. Am I too old for the surgery?
A. You are only as old as you feel. It sounds like you have more life than some 30-somethings. The limiting factor for you to have surgery is your physical health to determine if you are a candidate for the procedure.
Prior to any elective surgery, an individual should have an evaluation to determine if he or she is at risk for an anesthetic or surgical complications. You will probably need an EKG, chest X-ray and blood tests that should be evaluated by your family physician who cn determine if you are a “good” surgical risk. If you take medications, check with your physician to see if any you must be eliminated prior to surgery.
Finally, your records should be evaluated by an anesthesiologist to determine if you are a good anesthetic risk. If you pass all exams, you should be ‘good to go’.
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