Program at Whigham Elementary gives pre–schoolers a Head Start

Program at Whigham Elementary gives pre--schoolers a Head Start
Program at Whigham Elementary gives pre--schoolers a Head Start
Head Start assistant Elizabeth Perez is pictured with a group of Head Start 3- and 4-year-olds.

The Head Start program at Dr. Edward L. Whigham Elementary School is designed to help young children in lowincome families, with the goal of increasing their social, intellectual and emotional competence.

Begun last year, the program at the school’s Primary Learning Center (PLC), located at 8035 SW 196 St. in Cutler Bay, is a comprehensive child development program serving children from birth to age 5, pregnant women, and their families.

“The Head Start program at Whigham actively engages our students in age appropriate learning activities with a highly qualified staff,” said Susan Lyle, school principal. “We are currently recruiting for the 2013-14 school year.”

The program, which helps prepare youngsters before reaching first grade, currently has four classes. There are two classes for 4-yearolds, one class for 3-year-olds, and one “baby class” for newborns to age 2.

The program provides a range of individualized services in academic, medical, dental, mental health, nutrition, social services, and parent involvement. The program is free to all parents. The eligibility requirements are: participants must be of low income, the age of the child must be 5 or under, and must be Miami-Dade County residents. Also, 85 percent average daily attendance is required. Children in Head Start do not have to be potty-trained to be accepted. The preschool curriculum used is “High Scope.”

For more information contact Whigham Head Start director Sheronda Nealy at 305- 252-5050.

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