The Miami-Dade Trial Lawyer’s Association (mdtla.com), a professional organization with a long history of community service, recently staged its third annual Fun Day, treating 80 children from His House Children’s Home — kids who have been removed from their homes due to abuse, abandonment and neglect — to a day of fun, food, games and gifts.
Staffed with nurturing caregivers who make every effort to create a safe and loving atmosphere, His House is committed to keeping large sibling groups together, critical for their well-being during their traumatic separation from their parents. In 2017, at any given time, over 60 percent of children residing on the His House campus were part of a sibling group of three or more children.
“The kids, ranging in age from 3 to 17 enjoyed a wide variety of activities,” said MDTLA president Omar Malone, managing partner of the Malone Law Firm, a South Florida personal injury firm. “The expression of joy on the children’s faces during the event was truly magical to witness. Seeing the kids having fun and enjoying themselves was priceless.”
More than 50 volunteers from the MDTLA helped with the event, along with Dr. Barry Burak, founder and CEO of Affiliated Healthcare Centers. In addition to food trucks — serving burgers, hot dogs, chicken, donuts and natural fruit ices — the kids enjoyed a bounce house, water slide, soccer clinic, magician, and face painting, all while being entertained by a deejay.
“This was just a great event,” said Burak, who arranged for the children to receive T-shirts and other clothes donated by Neat Stuff, an organization that provides new clothes to disadvantages youth.
Burak serves on the board of Neat Stuff.
“Being involved with the MDTLA as they reach out to help kids, particularly the underprivileged kids in our community, is our way of giving back, our way of making South Florida a better place,” Burak said.
For more information on the MDTLA and future events and sponsorships, contact executive director Yara Garcia at 305-458-1298.