Palmer Trinity School 7th grade students grow hydroponic food

Palmer Trinity School 7th grade students grow hydroponic food
Palmer Trinity School 7th grade students grow hydroponic food
PTS students admire strawberries they cultivated hydroponically.

Palmer Trinity School (PTS) seventh grade students participated in a hydroponic farming program designed to teach students the science behind the alternative food production method and its benefits.

The term hydroponic originates from the ancient Greek word “hydros” meaning water, and “ponos” meaning work. The seventh grade class studied hydroponic farming using an aero system under the instruction of PTS science teacher Natalia Zurcher, and an ebb and flow hydroponic system taught by science teacher Traci Metzler.

Throughout the course of the academic school year, all the participating students learned about water quality, nutrients, the effects of white, red and blue light, pH, and electrical conductivity as they grew produce using the alternative farming methods.

They have grown lettuce, cucumbers, basil, bok choy, several varieties of mint, flowers, strawberries, and even a tomato.

“We hope that our students have opened their minds to farming techniques that not only require less time and money but avoid the use of toxic chemicals resulting in the production of faster and healthier food. Hydroponics is a new way to farm, and maybe with the help of a few Palmer Trinity seventh grade students, it could very well dominate food production in the future,” Metzler said.

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