Rebuilding Together Miami-Dade (RTMD) recently announced it has been awarded two individual grants from Bank of America Charitable Foundation and Miami Dolphins Special Teams. These grants collectively support affordable housing and neighborhood revitalization in South Florida through Rebuilding Together Miami-Dade’s Critical Home Repairs Programs.
The two grants specifically funded home repairs for U.S. Army veteran Joseph Reddick and his wife, Shonda. Their house is the childhood home of his wife and the place he picked her up for their very first date. To say this home has special meaning to this couple of over 40 years, is an understatement.
Reddick joined the U.S. Army and served in the Vietnam and Gulf wars. During his time of service, he helped deliver supplies and worked with Mechanized Infantry. After serving the country 21 years, he was honorably discharged as a staff sergeant.
“I am so grateful for what you are doing for me and my wife. This house is special to us and what you all are doing for us just puts such a big smile on my face,” Reddick said. “I’ll never forget the kindness Rebuilding Together Miami has shown me and also these Bank of America and Dolphin volunteers today. The whole experience has been top notch. After cheering for the Dolphins for so long…having them help me out like this is just a dream come true!”
Skilled contractors managed by Rebuilding Together Miami-Dade installed new appliances, updated flooring, fencing, and repaired drywall damage. Volunteers from Bank of America and Miami Dolphins Special Teams also painted, landscaped, and installed a Healthy Home Kit including many safety items to prevent slip and fall accidents, amongst other safety concerns.
Thanks to the generous funding and volunteer support from Bank of America and Miami Dolphins Special Teams, the Reddicks will age in place in a safe and healthy home.
“We have had a longstanding commitment to the military, not just our men and women serving today, but the veterans to acclimate and transition them back to civilian life,” said Maria Alonso, vice president and senior manager for Bank of America Miami-Dade/Monroe Corporate Social Responsibility. “Volunteer service, quite frankly is just one way. We are hiring veterans; we have hit some big milestones with that over the past couple of years.
“We also partner with organizations helping veterans and have done a social media campaign to fundraise for veteran causes. It’s important, it’s the country that we are from and we need to give back to those who have fought for our freedom,” she added.
Rebuilding Together Miami-Dade brings volunteers and communities together to improve the homes and lives of homeowners in need. RTMD preserves home-ownership and revitalizes communities by providing critical home repairs to low-income senior-citizen, veteran, and disabled homeowners at no cost to the homeowner.
“Throughout South Florida, access to affordable housing and safe neighborhoods is a challenge that impacts us all, but for veterans living on a fixed income it can mean the difficult choice between home repairs or putting food on the table,” said Ashley Snow, program manager at Rebuilding Together Miami-Dade.