Senator Jose Javier Rodriguez Files Gun Safety Legislation

    Continuing his fight for common sense gun safety reforms, Senator José Javier Rodríguez (D-Miami), has filed two gun safety reform proposals ahead of the 2020 session that will greatly enhance public safety in our communities.

    If enacted into law, SB 548 would close the online and private sales loopholes by requiring gun purchases go through licensed dealers who would conduct the background check.

    Additionally, SB 586 calls for buyers and sellers of firearms to pass a background check by limiting such transactions to concealed carry permit holders.

    “We need universal background checks on the sale of firearms,” stated Senator José Javier Rodríguez. “In addition to cosponsoring gun safety reforms proposed by my colleagues, two commonsense bills I have filed would close loopholes in our background checks system and give law enforcement the tools they need to identify someone who fails a background check.”

    Senator José Javier Rodríguez is also co-sponsoring these pieces of gun safety legislation:

    • SB 134. Preemption of Firearms and Ammunition by Senator Lauren Book
    • SB 266, Safe Storage of Loaded Firearms, introduced by Senator Gary Farmer
    • SB 270, Sale and Delivery of Firearms, introduced by Senator Gary Farmer
    • SB 310, Three-Dimensional Printed Firearms, introduced by Senator Linda Stewart
    • SB 398, Concealed Weapons and Firearms, introduced by Senator Lori Berman
    • SB 428, Prohibited Places for Weapons and Firearms, introduced by Senator Oscar Braynon

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