(Not pictured is Danixia Cuevas.)
Miami Dade College (MDC) recently announced its 2016 Endowed Teaching Chairs, among the college’s most prestigious and valued traditions and the highest faculty honor.
The annual program recognizes outstanding faculty who continuously strive to accomplish MDC’s mission. Eight professors will be honored this year during a special reception at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 14, at the Wolfson Campus’ Auditorium (Room 1261).
MDC’s Endowed Teaching Chairs are generously funded by donors through the ongoing work of the MDC Foundation. The honorees are selected by a committee of their peers who reviewed evidence of student retention and success, effective teaching strategies, and professional growth. Each will receive an annual stipend of $7,500 for three years.
To date, 328 recipients have been inducted into the program since its inception in 1992. MDC blazed the trail nationally for the implementation of this special program at colleges like it.
Meet the 2016 MDC Endowed Teaching Chairs:
Arlen J. Garcia, PhD, LMHC, City of Miami Police Department Endowed Teaching Chair in the Social Sciences;
J. Danixia Cuevas, JD, Daniel K. Gill Endowed Teaching Chair;
Lourdes M. España, MS, Elpidio Nuñez/Northwestern Meat Endowed Teaching Chair;
Roberto Jose Cabezas, PhD, Dr. Robert H. McCabe Endowed Teaching Chair;
Carolina Hospital, MA, Congresswoman Carrie Meek Endowed Teaching Chair;
Kelly Kennedy-Everett, EdD, MS, Wells Fargo Bank Endowed Teaching Chair;
Marisol L. Varela, EdD, MS Anastasios and Maria Kyriakides Endowed Teaching Chair, and
Steven Ritter, MS, PhD, Mac Smith Endowed Teaching Chair in Environmental Ethics.
For more information on the Endowed Teaching Chair program, contact Nairobi Abrams at the MDC Foundation, 305-237-3247, ,nabrams@mdc.edu or Alyssa Zamora, 305-237-3331, azamora@mdc.edu.