Be Green in March…for Real!

Be Green in March…for Real!

Be Green in March…for Real! Spring is the ideal time for growth. With the welcoming scent of fresh grass, blossoming sweet florals and hummingbirds enjoying sunshine, our community shines! Miami looks beautiful, giving us unlimited reasons to keep it that way. National Geographic states that 80% of the Earth’s surface has been impacted by human activity. With the earth in our hands, one must take a moment to ponder, “Do I treat it preciously?” Individually and together, making eco-friendly adjustments will have our community healthier, safer and staying beautiful! Check out the tips below for some earth and energy saving ideas and reminders.

• Upgrade your lightbulb to an energy efficient one! LED’s and energy savers use about 70-90% less energy than traditional bulbs.

• Go with rechargeable batteries! Rechargeable batteries are easier to recycle, and while being recharged and reused numerous times, they contribute less waste to landfills.

• Unplug power adapters and electronics when not in use. A recent study states that an average American household has 40 appliances that are constantly plugged in, this phantom power drains electricity leading up to 10% of our household energy use.

• Install dimmers! This simple switch, pun intended, is the ideal way to save light and energy. Remember to shut of the lights entirely when you exit a room!

• Opt for filtered water and nix plastic bottles! The Huffington Post shares that there are 1,500 water bottles consumed per second in the United States! Additionally, save water by shutting off the faucet when not in use, such as during your usual brush and wash or while washing dishes.

• Use re-usable shopping bags. According to the Ocean Conservatory, plastic bottles and plastic bags are the most prevalent form of pollution found on our beaches and in our oceans!

• Recycle all plastic, glass and paper! Opt for recyclable materials, use washable dish towels over paper towels and turn that empty sauce jar into a lovely Spring candle holder!

As this delightful season unfolds, March brings various traces of the color green, along with Earth Day right around the corner! Using these helpful tips and implementing simple changes will leave you with endless “feel-good moments,” where you know you’ve done right by the earth!

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