Miami-Dade Commissioner Daniella Levine Cava has announced that she will be hosting a meeting on Wednesday, July 19, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., at Killian High School, 10655 SW 97 Ave., for residents of the Falls area. The subject is whether the Falls area should be incorporated as a separate municipality in Miami-Dade County.
A group in that community has proposed incorporation and has been conducting meetings with neighbors prior to seeking approval from the county commission to establish a MAC (Municipal Advisory Committee), which is an important step leading up to a vote by residents. Commissioner Levine Cava seeks to gauge public opinion on the issue.
Her office has hired an expert, Robert Ladner, PhD of Behavioral Science Research Corporation, who will design and conduct a mail-in survey of all registered voters residing within the proposed incorporation boundaries. He will be present at the meeting to listen to residents’ questions and concerns and work those into the survey.
“I’m holding this meeting to help residents who may have questions or concerns, and to help me decide how to proceed,” Commissioner Levine Cava said. “Hopefully residents will attend, but if not able, we welcome all input.”
“After the Falls Steering committee members hosted a forum on their interest in incorporating back at the end of June, I received a lot of feedback from residents that were either opposed to the idea of incorporating, some that didn’t really have a position yet and wanted to know more, and others that were enthusiastic and were hoping to be considered to be appointed to a future Municipal Advisory Committee,” she added.
The commissioner said that considering the mixed response from that meeting, and even before that, she had discussed the option of doing a community survey with both leaders for incorporation and those opposed to it. This meeting is intended to get feedback from the attendees on the issues they think should be addressed in a survey.
Anyone unable to attend is invited to provide input to Commissioner Levine Cava’s office staff by calling 305-378-6677 or by sending an email to