Miami Children’s Museum (MCM) marks its ninth anniversary in its Watson Island location on Sept. 8. In honor of MCM’s ninth year, admission for Miami-Dade residents will be only $9 for the entire month of September.
Children and families are invited to help MCM’s mascot, MiChiMu, celebrate his ninth birthday on Sept. 8, from noon to 5 p.m., with games, arts and crafts, an animal show, cupcakes and other fun activities throughout the day.
The $9 September Birthday admission includes access to MCM’s interactive exhibits and daily programming. Admission also includes entrance to the return of MCM’s Wizard of Oz interactive exhibit opening on Sept. 22.
Miami Children’s Museum is located at 980 MacArthur Causeway on Watson Island in Miami. Regular admission is $16 for adults and children, $12 for Florida residents, free for children less than 1 year, and admission for members is complimentary. During the month of September, to celebrate the ninth birthday, Miami-Dade resident’s admission is just $9.
Founded in 1983, Miami Children’s Museum is dedicated to enriching the lives of all children by fostering a love of learning and enabling children to reach their highest potential. The 56,500-square-foot facility includes 14 galleries, classrooms, and a 200-seat auditorium. The museum offers hundreds of bilingual, interactive exhibits; programs and classes, including special needs classes; Subway restaurant; Gloria Martin Kid Smart Educational Gift Shop and learning materials related to arts, culture, community and communication.
To learn more about the museum, visit its website at www.miamichildrensmuseum