Educational Activities are our Focus in the New Year

Pinecrest Gardens announces their 6th Annual Environmental Art Contest:
“Wings of the Tropics”

This is a visual arts contest that prompts students to create a piece of art inspired by the nature that depicts “Wings of the Tropics.” Students will research and work on art pieces of birds, insects, and flying creatures of The Tropics, we know and love. Selected entries will be featured in the Hibiscus Gallery during our Fine Arts Festival and winners will receive cash prizes.

Draw, Paint, Collage, Photograph, Inspire.

Contest submissions must be received no later than January 17, 2020. Art Reception and Announcement of Winners will happen on Thursday, January 23, 2020. This contest is open for Miami-Dade County students (public and private) in grades 4 through 12. Contest groups are split up by grades 4-6, 7-9, 10-12.

Cash prizes for winners will be provided by our generous sponsor, The Corradino Group and include:

Grades 4-6: $1000 for the first place school; $400 for individual first place student; $300 for the second place student and $200 for the third place student.

Grades 7-9: $1000 for the first place school; $400 for the individual first place student, $300 for the second place student and $200 for the third place student.

Grades 10-12: $1000 for the first place school; $400 for individual first place student, $300 for the second place student and $200 for the third place student.

Gardens Choice winner: $100 and a membership to The Garden.

For more information, call Lacey Bray at 305-669-6990 .

Girl Scout Badge Day
Daisy Eco Learner Badge
Date: Saturday, January 4, 2020
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon

Girl Scouts can now complete requirements to earn new badges at Pinecrest Gardens!

Select Saturdays throughout the year, Pinecrest Gardens will offer “Badge Days” for Girl Scouts who are working to earn their badges. These programs are designed to accommodate up to 30 scouts on the given date. We are excited to announce that the Outdoor Art Badges and Eco Learner Badges are being offered exclusively at Pinecrest Gardens. Guided programs will last roughly 2 hours, featuring a unique opportunity for scouts to embark on a guided exploration through nature, while learning about art of the natural world. Badge days are $12 per scout which covers full access to the Garden’s amenities including petting zoo, Splash ’N Play, playground, and botanical gardens, a reserved area for pre or post picnic and, the badge itself as well as all program materials.

Earning this badge is as fun as it is informative! Daisies will learn how to keep plants and animals safe, play games, learn about animal homes on a walk through the Garden, and inform others of what it means to be an Eco Learner!

Finally we wish you all a Merry Christmas…Happy Chanukah…and a Happy Healthy New Year!

As our holiday season draws to a close we would like to wish all of the readers of the Community Newspapers, all of our family at the Village of Pinecrest and most of all, for our loyal and wonderful patrons at Pinecrest Gardens, a wonderful 2020. Your support and patronage throughout the year has meant the world to us and we will do anything and everything to keep you entertained, enlightened and engaged throughout the New Year.

Just a reminder that our Holiday Nights of Lights continues every night, 6-9 p.m. through January 1. Can you think of a safer, more secure and pristine environment to come with your family and loved ones than Pinecrest Gardens on New Year’s Eve? What better way to get your children or yourselves out of the house and yet avoid the chaos and cacophony of ringing in the New Year?

Check our schedule for festival amenities including Banyan Bowl performances during these two weeks, pony rides, Santa and the Story Teller. During these last weeks of Nights of Lights many of the activities are available only on select nights.

Looking for daytime activities to attend? Visit our phenomenal Trolls, Berta and Terje by artist Thomas Dambo and take the best selfies you could ever imagine. Or if it is quiet repose you seek, then take a seat on one of our benches overlooking Swan Lake. Children will always enjoy a visit to our petting zoo, fish feeding waterfall or playing in our playground or Splash ‘N Play…there is certainly something for everyone of every age to engage in.

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