It’s not over ‘til it’s over….

A direct impact from a Hurricane is not necessary to cause serious tree damage. Throughout the recent summer season we encountered heavy rain and strong wind events that seem to come out of nowhere and caused significant tree damage. This past Labor Day weekend seemed like we dogged the wrath of Hurricane Dorian, however, a heavy rain blast, coupled with strong wind was enough to split a tree in half at the Lee Park Condominium in South Miami.  Half of the trunk on a large Mahogany tree broke away from the tree and landed on the power lines. The residents thought they may have to suffer until the holiday weekend was over and the threat of Hurricane Dorian was long gone.

Lee Park Manager, Jean Larkins, called the company’s voice recorder and left a message but never expected a call back the same day and certainly never expected a tree crew and Certified Arborist, Rick Barocas, to show-up within hours!

“Giving back to the local community is part of our corporate philosophy”, said Rick Barocas, the Manager of the Tree Division.  Rick called several crew members and explained the situation and all dropped what they were doing during the holiday time to respond, clear the power lines and make the situation safe when most people were hunkered down waiting for the last minute “turn” of Hurricane Dorian.

 Barocas went on to say, “It’s just the professional way to take care of customers. Lee Park Condominium has been our customer for over 20-years and deserve a level of service that they can count on”. 

Even more amazing to Jean was the fact that One Two Tree did not charge for their services that day. Budget considerations are such an important factor for the Lee Park Condominium and One Two Tree felt it was the right thing to do.

Ironically, the tree that failed was on the pending work scope of tree maintenance pruning scheduled for Lee Park condo next month.    


One Two Tree, Inc. is a 32-year old, local family owned company providing Tree care (Certified Arborist pruning and removals of trees and palms), along with licensed, insured and bonded lawn, landscape, tree and palm Healthcare and Pest Control services. One Two Tree places an emphasis on safety, training and education of its technicians to set itself apart from national brand companies that have high turn-over of employees and little training. Quality of job performance and quality of customer service also sets them apart from the average “tree trimmers” and “quick spray and go” lawn & landscape healthcare services. 

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