Pinecrest Village Council Candidate – Dr. Jeffrey Solomon

Pinecrest Village Council Candidate - Dr. Jeffrey Solomon
Pinecrest Village Council Candidate - Dr. Jeffrey Solomon
Dr Jeffrey Solomon

I will be a responsible administrator of taxpayer dollars and vigilantly protect our communities’ quality of life. In my first 100 days as a Village Council member, I will delve into the inner workings of our Pinecrest government.

There are a number of ongoing projects established by current Village leadership — street, facility and park improvements. I will use my 32 years of experience as a leader and business owner to make certain successful completion of these projects is met with widespread citizen satisfaction.

Moving ahead, I like to find pragmatic solutions to issues. I’ll offer two examples.

• I support creating a park where residents of Pinecrest can bring their dogs. I like Miami-Dade County’s initiative to develop a dog park at Chapman Field. That’s minutes from most of our neighborhoods. Because the county is creating it, it won’t cost the Village one penny, yet Pinecrest residents will be able to take full advantage of it.

• I applaud the current council for stopping talk of expanding Village Hall. No need to spend money on expansion, if it’s not absolutely necessary.

I’ll work diligently to make certain our community is provided the resources outside agencies and officials are obligated to supply. Let’s insure that our public schools get the support necessary so our children have the best chance at a quality education.

I will thoughtfully evaluate the issues and make informed decisions that are in the best social and fiscal interests of the Village.

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