Palmer Trinity School senior Lucas Schrier went to China in January for a Model United Nations Conference. He was one of 14 Palmer Trinity School students to go. They visited Beijing and Shanghai for eight days.
“My school offers a cool course called Asian history,” he says. “It was fitting to go to China with my teacher that I studied Asian history with.”
Schrier is considering history as a college major to prep him for a career in the diplomatic corps so the trip was fascinating and being a part of Model UN essential.
He’s attended two conferences this year and he went to conferences in Punta Gorda, FL and at Johns Hopkins last year.
Palmer hosted a conference March 6 and 7. He was a part of the leadership team for the conference.
“All of the conferences have been learning experiences for me,” he says.
For four years, Schrier has been treasurer for the Class of 2020
“We are organizing a trip to Busch Gardens this year for our senior class,” he says. “We had a Dress Down Day for Bahamas hurricane relief.”
Until this year, Schrier played on the varsity tennis team. He had to step away this year to catch up with academics after the China trip, but he still plays recreationally.
He’s a member of the Book Club, the National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta and the Hispanic Honor Society.
Last year he developed a program where Palmer Trinity School students would go and tutor students at the Howard Drive Elementary afterschool program.
Schrier tutored students in violin.
“They had a violin program and I play violin,” he says. “They have an adult leading the program, they just needed students to help.”
While Schrier tutored music students, other Palmer Trinity School students tutored in other areas.
“We called it the PTS Tutoring Initiative,” he says. “We’d go once a week.”
He started PTS Tutoring because the activities organizer at PTS said there was a need at Howard Drive.
“It seemed an interesting opportunity and became even more interesting when I heard of the violin program and that they needed help with that,” he says.
“The program was active last year. I’m trying to get it active again,” he says.
He says he tends to overcommit and while he was able to do it his junior year, this year has been crazy. The program started the second semester last year after training the PTS students the first semester.
On a weekly basis they sent four students to Howard Drive out of a roster of 1-12.
“My goal is set up an infrastructure for next year that leaves the program in good hands,” he says.
Schrier has played violin since fourth grade. He played outside of school and then attended the South Miami Middle Magnet program for music. When he switched to Palmer Trinity School, he joined the orchestra. He played in eighth and ninth grade, took tenth grade off and went back to orchestra in eleventh and twelfth grades. He also played in the Greater Miami Youth Symphony ninth and eleventh grades.
He’s a member of the Tri-M Music Honor Society,
In college, he expects to minor in music. He’s been accepted to McGill in Canada but is still waiting to hear from Princeton, the University of North Carolina, Harvard, Washington University in St. Louis, Notre Dame and Indiana. Schrier says he’s likely to be a history major.
“I want to go somewhere that has a strong international community,” he says. “I like diplomatic history.”
Linda Rodriguez Bernfeld