Councilwoman Bailey Recognizes Air Base Elementary School and Litterati App for Community Cleanups


Councilwoman Jenifer Bailey recognized Airbase Elementary teachers, Miss Diaz and Miss Purcell, along with their 3rd grade students for their use of the Litterati app for environmental clean-up and stewardship of the environment. The Litterati app, for both iPhone and Android users, was introduced at Air Base Elementary four years ago to track littering. The app allows the user to take pictures of litter, and to document, and share locally and around the world to create more awareness and action. The app can also hashtag brands of litter that are collected.

Councilwoman Bailey presented Certificates of Environmental Stewardship Awards to the children for their involvement, remarking, “I am happy to see this fire inside of you and I know it’s going to be huge.” “What a difference you are going to make”.

Attending the presentation were community mentoring groups that were Inspired by Air Base Elementary environmental involvement. In attendance, I Am Different, BYOL, Men Molding Men, and KIX, with the Southwest Advisory Committee, each pledging to do- two clean-ups per year.

To join the Homestead Community Pride Cleanups, or HCPC, just download the Litterati app and look under Local Challenges. Stay informed on upcoming cleanups by visiting

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