A time of tributes

A time of Tributes

A Tribute to Mothers

Mothers are everything for us when we are small…our lives revolve around her. For everything we need we call mother. To protect us from all perceivable dangers, we want her around us. To take us out, we hold her arms. To kiss away our wounds, we run to her. And for a warm hug and love, we look for her. She is the focal point of our lives, the greatest human being in the world or should we say divinity on earth. On the special occasion of Mother’s Day pay tribute to your mother – the greatest blessing on you!

As we salute moms, we should pause and thank them for their love and guidance. They are our first teachers.

I would like to wish a Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms in West Park and to those who fill the role of mothers. And for those who have taken the reigns to fill those shoes, thank you for your unconditional support! I also extend a special thought and prayer to the memories of the moms who are no longer with us on earth but remain in our hearts and minds because they have touched our souls.

A Tribute to Veterans

In May we also pay tribute to veterans on Memorial Day. We honor those soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines who died for our country. We honor those who fought for us. Peace has meaning the protected will never know. Each soldier who falls is a great tragedy. Though each death is a tragedy we honor and thank each who served and gave the ultimate sacrifice. They gave us our freedom and it behooves each of us to be our best self out of respect for what they gave us.

How is it possible for the City of West Park to honor such men, both the deceased and living?
Perhaps we cannot do any better than to call you the Greatest Generation of the greatest country in the world. Perhaps we should make certain that your stories are told to the young. Perhaps we should try to imitate both your purposes and lives, in both peace and war. Perhaps we should just sincerely thank you for making sure that this island of liberty would continue. Perhaps we should just say this, along with Abraham Lincoln: “Gold is good in its place; but living, brave, patriotic men, are better than gold.” Perhaps, we could support the VFW Post #8195 more and the wonderful works they are doing for veterans that do make it home.

In conclusion, to the City of West Park’s honored veterans, we hold you in our highest esteem! You are our heroes! We salute you! We honor you! We live our lives in freedom, because of what you gave us. There will never be a time that we do not give you our solemn honor. We the residents of West Park must never forget the meaning of Memorial Day and remember those proud patriots who made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of liberty’s blessings! We are in your debt and we thank you! May God always bestow His blessings upon you!

A Tribute to Older Americans

Each year, more and more older adults are making a positive impact in and around the City of West Park. As volunteers, employees, employers, educators, mentors, advocates, and more, they offer insight and experience that benefit our entire community. That’s why Older Americans Month has been recognizing the contributions of this growing population for 56 years. Since 1963, May has been the month to appreciate and celebrate the vitality and aspirations of older adults and their contributions and achievements. It is a proud tradition that shows our nation’s commitment to honor the value that elders continue to contribute to our communities. Across the country, older Americans – a rapidly growing population – are taking part in activities that promote wellness and social connection. They are sharing their wisdom and experience with future generations, and they are giving back to make enrich their communities. They’re working and volunteering, mentoring and learning, leading and engaging.

The 2019 theme, Connect, Create, Contribute, encourages older adults and their communities to:
• Connect with friends, family, and services that support participation.
• Create by engaging in activities that promote learning, health, and personal enrichment.
• Contribute time, talent, and life experience to benefit others.

Communities that encourage the contributions of older adults are stronger! By engaging and supporting all community members, we recognize that older adults play a key role in the vitality of our neighborhoods, networks, and lives.

While we at the City of West Park provide services, support, and resources to older Americans year-round, Older Americans Month is a great opportunity to show special appreciation for some of our most beloved citizens. Please check the calendar for events at our parks for our seniors. We will continue to provide opportunities for elders to come together and share their experiences with one another, as well as with individuals of other generations. We have many reasons to celebrate them!

A Tribute to Fathers

The month of June is a time to recognize “Dad.” Fathers are the biggest source of strength for a child. The innocent eyes of a child perceive dad as the all-powerful, most knowledgeable, and very important person in the family. For daughters, fathers are the first men they adore and fall in love with. For sons, their fathers are the strongest person they know and aspire to emulate. Even for grownups, fathers are those we look up to for the most experienced and honest advice in our best interest. For this great figure in our life who we know as father – it becomes our utmost duty to pay loving tribute on Father’s Day.

Children blessed with a loving father should consider themselves fortunate for they have someone to take care of their needs and interests…someone to stop them when they are diverting to a wrong path and guide them on the road to success and virtue. Father’s Day is about showing gratitude for the fathers and father figures that have influenced us throughout our lives. The idea is to show our affection and tell Daddy how much he is loved and appreciated not just on Father’s Day but every single day of our lives. To all West Park fathers, grandfathers, uncles, brothers and friends, I wish you a Happy Father’s Day.

Remember to contact me at City Hall with your ideas, suggestions or concerns. I represent you and appreciate your input into the continued success of our beloved city. I can be reached at (954) 329-8990 or by email at: fbrunson@cityofwestpark.org

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