Happy Anniversary West Park!
As we approach another year in the life of the great city of West Park, I want to thank my fellow City Commission members. We each bring a unique perspective to the dais and I appreciate your commitment.
Thank you to our city staff who work every day to keep us such a special place, and most especially I want to thank each of the residents for your contributions to West Park.
Our city is building! Building represents knowledge – and knowledge is the power that will shape our future.
Our primary focus right now is on strengthening our community economically and making West Park a more attractive and competitive city – a place of pride and opportunity for residents, and a first-choice location for business investment.
Our economic status is key to that goal. The city’s fiscal standing is sound. For the fourteenth straight year, our budget is balanced, essential programs are funded and we are working diligently with our legislators to ensure we have a healthy resources to see us through any challenging times.
Our efforts to keep City finances sound and to foster economic opportunity take on a special urgency when we think about the young people of our community. We are the stewards of their future. We must invest now to ensure a West Park that is filled with possibilities for our children and grandchildren.
I’m thrilled with the progress we’ve made. And I hope that you see it. But, I am not satisfied with where we are. And neither are you. I’m hungry for more. And I know you are, too.
Quality of life matters. Sustainability matters.
In the coming years, you’ll continue to see pride growing and businesses prospering. We’re helping our small-business community succeed, and they in turn, are enhancing our neighborhoods. Together we’re keeping the fabric of our community strong. Because businesses matters.
And so does a safe city. Because there’s nothing more important than feeling safe in your hometown. Our police/fire department takes its charge very seriously, as do I. Every life is precious. Our police/fire department is working hard, and addressing any ongoing challenge. It takes all of us working together to keep our city safe.
It’s time to start thinking about our hopes, our dreams, our goals and our priorities. Our choices must be ones we study thoughtfully and make together. Let’s use this treasure wisely.
I see a community determined to do everything it can to make West Park a place where good jobs can grow. Businesses can prosper. Talent can blossom. And families can thrive.
The people of this community are what really matters. You fill me with hope that our best days are still to come. Working together, we can make amazing things happen. The time is now.
It gets me excited about the West Park I love, and the West Park I want to leave behind for future generations.
I don’t simply want to have momentum in West Park— I want to accelerate our momentum! I want to take this special time in our history and continue turning the corner into a prosperous future for everyone — a prosperous future that we all know West Park deserves.
This is how we multiply our growth — by committing ourselves to the quiet work of improving how we serve citizens, day in, day out.
This is how we keep our foot on the pedal — not by shouting or playing political games, but by sitting down with each other, by listening, by compromising, and by working together on substance.
This is how we accelerate our momentum — together.
Remember to contact me at City Hall with your ideas, suggestions or concerns. I represent you and appreciate your input into the continued success of our beloved city. I can be reached at (954) 329-8990 or via email at: fbrunson@cityofwestpark.org.