During the past few weeks, the world has felt the impact of COVID-19. Schools are closed, events are postponed, and work has moved to a home office. Despite these challenges, MusicReach is committed to offering participants a well-rounded music education experience through online learning.
The mission of the Donna E. Shalala MusicReach program is to enrich the education of underserved youth in the Miami-Dade community through unique and innovative music education programming while providing opportunities for Frost School of Music students to develop their teaching and community engagement skills.
MusicReach has a goal to make this a positive learning experience for both staff and students. Online learning has become more popular both in K-12 and collegiate education. Frost School of Music mentors have been working to learn about online teaching resources available to best adapt their curriculums for online learning. This will help prepare them for the future as online learning is expected to become more popular over the next several years. This will help them become better learners and educators while providing over 500 MusicReach participants with a distance learning education on a weekly basis until the end of the University of Miami’s academic year.
Now that Miami-Dade County Public Schools are back in session in an online format, MusicReach mentors and staff will contect with students and teachers through video conference and online music education websites to provide students with an uninterrupted music education.
For more information about the programs, visit the website at musicreach.frost.miami.edu.